Josh Duggar Arrested For Child Porn, Shocking Absolutely No One
Figured it was going to come to this.
On April 1 of this month, after several Duggar-free years, we brought you a story about how Transformed Wife Lori Alexander was telling people that they should be more like the Duggars, with regards to sex and dating — a claim we looked at with no small amount of skepticism given Josh Duggar's history of molesting underage girls and assaulting porn stars. We are now ending the month by bringing to you news of Josh Duggar's arrest for receipt and possession of child pornography.
Quite the bookends, no?
According to court documents, Duggar allegedly used the internet to download child sexual abuse material. Duggar allegedly possessed this material, some of which depicts the sexual abuse of children under the age of 12.
Duggar had a first appearance before U.S. District Court Western District of Arkansas Judge Erin Wiedemann via Zoom on Friday morning, April 30, 2021.
If convicted, he faces up to 20 years of imprisonment and fines up to $250,000 on each count. Duggar's trial date is scheduled for Tuesday, July 6.
Duggar will remain in custody until a May 5th detention hearing. One stipulation Judge Wiedermann requested is for Duggar to have a third-party custodian should he be released on bond. Also, the residence where he would stay must be devoid of minor children.
One would hope.
Just a few days ago, in a whimsical gender reveal video involving a parasol and confetti, Duggar, now 33, and his wife, Anna, announced they were expecting a baby girl on Instagram — the child would be their seventh. Their eldest daughter, Mackynzie, is currently 11.
Initially, when Duggar was arrested yesterday, the only information available was that he was arrested for something having to do with a used car lot he had previously owned and that the Department of Homeland Security was involved somehow. It was only revealed this afternoon that he was indeed arrested for possession of child pornography.
When I was doing some background research for the Duggar-related post earlier this month, I came across a not-insignificant amount of social media chatter from fans about how Josh Duggar had repented for his sins and that what happened was so long ago that he should be forgiven and let back on TLC.

"I've been dying to hear this CONGRATULATIONS Josh and Anna!!! Miss seeing BOTH of you guys on the shows"
One wonders if they will have a change of heart after this latest incident.
In the years since the initial scandal, TLC has continued to run Counting On (formerly Jill & Jessa: Counting On ), allowing them to continue to portray their patriarchal Christian lifestyle in a positive and wholesome light. Aside from subsidizing the Duggars' enormous families, both this show and the original 19 Kids and Counting have served as propaganda for this lifestyle — which not only produced Josh Duggar, but those who actively covered up what he did, tried to "fix him" by sending him to a Christian work camp, and actively encouraged him, a person known to have molested prepubescent girls he is related to, to have seven children in a matter of 11 years. Because what would be really sinful would be birth control.
Duggar has entered a not guilty plea and his lawyers, at least, are claiming he is innocent and vowing to fight this to the bitter end.
[ KNWA ]
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Oh, yes, they just can't have any fun.
I once got a mormokkkultist missionary to call me "an asshole". Proud moment.
Paleo world! Yep, I remember.