Herschel Walker and Kanye West are two of the most embarrassing Black men alive, and Republicans adore them. It’s probably not a coincidence.
Walker is a Trump-endorsed stooge who Republicans hope will help them regain the Senate majority, which might explain why they are willing to overlook Walker’s contribution to the abortion industry. West, now know as "Ye," is a self-obsessed clown. We’ve known this since he interrupted Taylor Swift’s big moment at the 2009 Video Music Awards. Y'all know that shit was unforgivable.
Republicans collectively swooned last Monday when Ye and professional troll Candace Owens appeared at Paris Fashion Week wearing "White Lives Matter" shirts. The cost of their dignity would give you change from a dollar, and Republicans appreciate the bargain. Tucker Carlson was especially supportive of the "White Lives Matter" message, and you should worry when Carlson approves of anything you’ve done as a Black person.
Sean Combs (a.k.a. "Diddy") wasn't down with Ye's minstrel fashion show and said as much. Friday, Ye suggested on Instagram that Combs was under the control of Jewish people. Instagram restricted his account, and Sunday, he tweeted some more antisemitic garbage:

"I'm a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I'm going death con 3 ON JEWISH PEOPLE. The funny thing is I actually can't be Anti Semitic because Black people are actually Jew also. You guys have toyed with me and tried to black ball anyone whoever (sic) opposes your agenda."
Ye also lashed out at Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, whose company owns Instagram: "Who do you think created cancel culture!" This is classic Jewish scapegoating but without any "globalist" euphemisms.
Twitter locked Ye's account for what is obviously multiple violations of its policies against hate speech and promotion of violence. (Future Twitter ruler Elon Musk had "welcomed" Ye back to Twitter just hours before his vile screed.) Republicans had spent the past week praising this fool, as if they don't have a full team of assholes who are at least slightly more stable. Failed Republican political candidate Lavern Spicer tweeted, "I never thought I'd say this but I wish that half the Republican [ sic ] in Congress sounded more like Kanye West." I mean, they kinda already do, even if Kevin McCarthy can't nail "Black Skinhead" at karaoke night.
The House Judiciary GOP still has this " ... man, camera, TV" tweet up :
“Kanye. Elon. Trump.”
— House Judiciary GOP (@House Judiciary GOP) 1665101137
If Republicans can't collectively condemn the anti-semite with a significant global reach, they could at least scrub their social media.
Republican Todd Rokita, Indiana's current attorney general, defended his homeboy: "The constant hypocrisy from the media is at an all-time high. They have now gone after Kanye for his new fashion line, his independent thinking, & for having opposing thoughts from the norm of Hollywood."
Ye epitomizes the spoiled celebrity elite. People have excused or rationalized his antics as the product of mental illness, which is unfair because mental illness doesn't make people racist or anti-semitic. These are character flaws. Ye is hardly an "independent thinker." He’s a buffoon who, as Charles Blow wrote, is “willing to regurgitate conservative — sometimes bordering on white supremacist — talking points as if they were his own." A myna bird would have more self respect.
Rokita later claimed, "My post was specifically and clearly aimed at the hypocrisy of the media and Hollywood elites, not anything to do with other comments. I have an obvious, clear and substantial Congressional and public record of being 100% supportive of the Jewish community and Israel."
See, when the elected official publicly defended an anti-semite, he wasn't actually supporting his anti-semitism! He loves the Jews. Of course, "Hollywood elite" is itself a less than subtle anti-semitic bullhorn. Linking to Ye's Tucker Carlson interview, Rokita insisted, "Kanye’s message in this instance is fair and accurate, & regardless, he is entitled to his opinion. The media will steamroll anyone if they do not kowtow to their way of thinking."
The media, in fact, have been quite generous to Ye. The Wall Street Journal described his "going death con 3 on Jewish people" threat as a “purported anti-semitic tweet." The Associated Press said the tweet was "widely deemed antisemitic," and the New York Times passively observed that the tweet was "widely criticized as anti-semitic." These are the polite euphemisms you use when someone you otherwise like insists they saw a flying saucer, but what West tweeted wasn’t actually a weather balloon. It was straight up antisemitism. The man viciously threatened the entire Jewish people.
This is the Republican Party's new hero, and they're stuck with him. We're not accepting returns.
[ New York Times / Charles Blow ]
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"Mental illness doesn't make people antisemitic."Actually, there are a lot of examples of it doing exactly that. Admitting that doesn't dismiss Ye's word-crime, but it does point up the need for treatment, and condemnation of Republicans cynical use of a sick man for their purposes.
zomg my Uber driver had Matt Walsh, then Joe Rogan pudcasts on. He looks exactly like you think.