Dignity of the presidency: Restored!
Kellyanne Conway took to the Sean Hannity Propatainment program Wednesday evening to explain why it's definitely no big deal that Donald Trump Jr. acknowledges he'd taken a meeting with a Russian government lawyer, after being told that the Russian government would like to please conspire to help his daddy win. And at the end of the "interview," she had a clever little visual aid!
. @KellyannePolls: "What's the conclusion? Collusion? No, we don't have that yet." #Hannity pic.twitter.com/hWLQ9WPpc3
— Fox News (@FoxNews) July 13, 2017
Randall Munroe has something to say about using words:https://www.xkcd.com/1860/
"Trump Jr. tried to articulate but that turned out to incriminate," Colbert said, holding up a sign with the two words. "See it's easy to remember, it's something even an idiot would anticipate and now he's going to be an inmate. Just thought we’d have some fun with words."