Weirdo Ken Cuccinelli Thinks DeSantis Anti-LGBTQ+ Gladiator Boner Ad Very Normal And Very Cool
Says the guy who has devoted a not-insignificant portion of his life to yelling at buttsex.
You might think of Ken "Cooch" Cuccinelli as one of Donald Trump's illegally appointed immigration officials. Or as a bit character in Donald Trump's coup.
But for our money, he will always be the pretty-boy, coiffed just so Republican former Virginia attorney general bigot who tried to ban buttsex. Because that's what normal folks do at their job. He's weird.
He did this in 2013, a full decade after the Supreme Court tossed a bucket of Astroglide at America's face and declared buttsex season officially open in 2003 in its landmark Lawrence v. Texas case. He thought he could do that, because Virginia still had a sodomy law on the books. This is what he wanted to do with his time. This is something he has spent a lot of his life bizarrely and pruriently fixated on. He has referred to homosexuality as a "personal challenge" and "harmful to society."
Did we mention he's also kinda stupid? He's also kinda stupid.
So it stands to reason that he is saying out loud that he thinks Ron DeSantis's super fucking bigoted anti-Trump, anti-LGBTQ+ ad from over the weekend is totally normal and totally cool. Yes, the ad that supercuts images of Ron DeSantis doing his big weird gigglypants laugh with oiled up half-naked gladiators and Brad Pitt in a leather mask from Troy , all for the sake of showing that Ron hates queers. The one Secretary Mayor Pete Buttigieg and his husband Chasten are both making fun of. The one everybody's making fun of.
Lord Coocherton von ButtSin went on NewsNation and explained, as the head of the pro-DeSantis PAC "Never Back Down" (LOL), that it was a totally "legitimate" ad:
“I think there’s a division between the candidates here that is a legitimate point of discussion, and Ron DeSantis has been the leader in the country in fighting to protect women’s sports, children from sexualization, that’s part of the agenda that he’s fighting with this video here,” Cuccinelli said Monday on “ The Hill on NewsNation .”
Yuh huh sure, Cooch.
“I don’t think that he is” going too far with the ad, Cuccinelli said. “This issue is perfectly legitimate.”
Okeydoke, weirdo.
“You can disagree or agree with them or think this went too aggressively or not, but Ron DeSantis is the leader on the leading cultural battle of our time,” Cuccinelli said. “It’s a spiritual battle, it’s a cultural battle and Republican voters care a great deal about it. He is the, without question, leader on this issue both substantively and in the campaign.”
Keep talking, you don't sound like even a little bit of a lunatic.
And again ...

Yeah .
As NewsNation points out, footage of Donald Trump in the ad saying at the RNC that he would "protect our LGBTQ citizens" — a lie, obviously — came not long after the Pulse shootings. That's why he was saying — lying — that. So there are a lot of layers of gross here, and every character in this story is clearly trash.
And it's definitely totally normal that Cooch is out there so vehemently defending this.
By the way, LGBTQ+ Republicans are still bitching and moaning about the DeSantis ad, pretending it's some kind of surprise that a white fascist Christian Republican is a vile bigot, like whaaaaaaaaat?
Grow up and learn some fucking self-respect, losers.
No sympathy points awarded.
[ NewsNation ]
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Not one word about lesbians. I guess God's into hot, girl-on-girl action.
This joker does not even remotely look like a person you can take seriously, and even less like a person you would leave to babysit your kids.