KerryPool: Weeping In the Press Corp
More reader questions will be answered later—though we can answer half of them by saying, yes, you should be drinking by now, and no, it really doesn't matter how, although we find it most efficient if the alcohol goes into your mouth—but first, the Election Day Pool Report from Wisconsin, in which Kerry works the "Free to Be, You and Me" shtick and bribes his press corp. Everyone gets weepy and a number of junket journos are apparently now lining up for treatment for advanced Kerry-induced Stockholm Syndrome.
Election Day Pool report
JFK arrived at Kerry campaign canvassing office in La Cross Wisconsin at about 7: 40 A.M., went in THE front door and came out back door into a parking lot. About 250 cheering supporters greeted him. He got up on a stage-- gold jacket, red tie. Talked about how Wisconsin has same day voting and urged people to get out. "So you can go out and vote. No such thing as I didn't register. I can't vote."
Gave mini-version of stump speech- and then thanked people, promised to be there for them if he won. He seemed very moved. Voice was hoarse. "I'm counting on you. Today...we're linking hearts and hands and we're going to take America back to a better place." I want to thank you."
People shouted back: "Thank you."
"It's truly touching. I am touched and moved"
"It's such a magical kind of day."
He picked up a baby for pictures. The he handed out packets to volunteers to canvas in neighborhoods to get people 0ut to vote.
On the plane, Kerry came back to the press section and presented traveling media with red fleece jackets emblazoned with "Real Deal Express Press Corps." He handed them out himself and thanked people. As he was giving them out, he took an interest in sizes, advising people to try them on.
A few minutes later, he called a back about seven journalists who had been with him since Iowa and presented them with a silver Revere bowls engraved with "champagne lounge" on one side and "Real Deal Express." The lounge was the spot in the back of the Kerry Iowa bus where media sat. journalist said he was very warm and there were some misty eyes coming out
Still later, Kerry talked presented to staff silver picture frames in the privacy of the front cabin. Don't know what was said but everyone started hugging and crying.
McCurry gaggle on plane (complete transcript coming from Washington Times, who picks up pool after lunch):
JFK will be met by THK and daughters at airport, and then go vote. "After he votes, he'll make a very brief statement at voting sight "
He will take questions. He will then go to the union oyster house to have his traditional lunch at
the counter with THK and former aide Chris Greeley. Kerry will then go to the Westin for satellite interviews with local markets. No national coverage.
About what's happening in the field: "we're getting lots of reports anecdotally. Significant turnout that squares with information from Gallup that indicates this could be record turnout." If those assumptions hold up, and if 60% of eligible voters turn out, McCurry said it bodes well for Kerry. "We think the level of turnout is one reason we have been very upbeat about our prospects. We know turnout of that size gives us an opportunity."
Challenges. He said that John Sasso heard from Jesse Jackson in Cleveland who emotionally reported about three generations in one family who came out for Kerry.
Kerry is voting at the State House.
Lois Romano
The Washington Post