Kitteh On My Foot (Want To Touch It). Tabs, Fri., May 24, 2024
Morning news roundup!
Trump’s stolen documents “shell game” at Mar-a-Lago, as he instructed documents to be moved around based on *which rooms were going to be searched that day*. Jesus, FBI, take a fucking memo. Don’t just search where Trump says he’ll let you. (Judge’s order finding crime fraud exception to depose Trump’s lawyer)
What if the Moms 4 Liberty buying up a bunch of ads in swing states makes those swing states vote for Joe Biden? I bet that’s exactly what happens. They really do have a Shitten Touch. LOL the AP is like “and the cofounder did sex stuff and another one approvingly quoted Hitler and have you SEEN all these Proud Boys?” LOL :) (AP)
LOL goddammit Josh Marshall. HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY TO YOU TOO. (If you can read this. TPM’s share link doesn’t seem to actually share.) (Talking Points Memo)
LOL dude. LOL.
These are just a few splashy news developments that crossed my transom yesterday. See if you can find reference to them here. Spoiler for those on the move: It’s the New York Times front page, and none of those stories made the cut.
Another $7.7 BILLION in student loans canceled by Genocide Joe o.O (NBC News)
If you think it’s inappropriate for me to be light about JOE’S GENOCIDE, know that you’re probably the reason *nobody will write about Israel and Gaza at all*. Joe Biden isn’t doing a fucking genocide, even if Israel’s being supremely terrible right now (and has been letting the settlers go wilding for decades). And by the way, nobody believes you’re “anti-war” if you think killing children is “resistance” when Hamas does it. Yes, I’m specifically talking to YOU. And I’m specifically about ready to ban your ass.
Trump suing the makers of The Apprentice — the movie about him, not the TV “reality” show — I would guess for the scene where he brutally rapes his wife Ivana, but I suppose it’s possibly due to all the amphetamine use as well. Guess somebody really wants to Barbra Streisand that shit up for all the people who didn’t know that Ivana Trump claimed that he brutally raped her, and can’t tell what amphetamine abuse looks like. (Entertainment Weekly)
Whaaaaat, Senate Democrats doing a vestigation about a thing? (CNN)
Well fuck I guess I was off to my fabulous Canadian wonkparty because I had no idea this happened a week ago. Video of Sean Combs knocking out his girlfriend, kicking her, and dragging her down a hotel hallway, which he apologized for after first denying it and accusing her and other complainants of being in it for a payday. (CNN) SO YOU KNOW THAT WAS VERY GOOD THERAPY AND REHAB AND APOLOGY. GAHHHHHHHH. (CNN again)
Looks like the American Airlines lawyers who blamed the 9-year-old girl for letting herself get secretly videotaped in the airplane bathroom have thought better of it. (CNN)
Alito’s flag defense “transparent” “BS”? Lisa Needham, how dare you besmirch statement such a shining jewel of integrity as he! (Public Notice)
Department of Justice is suing to moot Oklahoma’s law arrogating unto itself the federal government’s authority to police immigration, and the governor and attorney general are being real whinyass tittybabies about it. (I’m surprised to learn Oklahoma’s got a largeish immigrant community, about five percent of the state’s residents.) I’m pretty sure that’s what arrogating means. (AP) Interesting! Denver is like “what if we helped the immigrants longterm instead?” (AP again!)
Wonkpal Dr. Sarah Taber still killing it in the North Carolina Agriculture commissioner race. Here she was in Fayetteville last week. Event coming up in Asheville at Old Sherrill’s Inn, you should go!!!! (Sarah Taber)
This tab’s been sitting in my browser, unloved, for what must be weeks now! But it’s on Stormy Daniels at the Trump trial, and how smart and poised and together she is. I like her a lot. (New Yorker)
I forgot workers are supposed to give their employer a discount when they work for 12 hours straight, and not, say, charge them time and a half. Good thing this employer lady was there to remind me! (People)
I’m always saying, the Amalfi Coast! So stressful! That’s what I’m always saying about that! How to visit the Amalfi Coast without all that stress of the stress of the Amalfi Coast! (Fodor’s)
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It’s Chips the baby bobcat! She also briefly had a career in highway law enforcement, but I don’t talk about that here:
I just watched a completely stupid, almost stereotypically mindless movie full of ridiculous action sequences, unnecessary chase scenes, and macho space-cowboy posturing while issuing one of the most egregiously braindead call-to-action speeches ever filmed.
And you know what? The whole damn movie was well written, and it worked. Truly a bizarre experience, but I'm actually glad I watched it.
ETA: Since people seem interested, the movie was The Fall Guy, a recent Ryan Gosling / Emily Blunt release. It's what happens when you get some really smart people together in a room and order them to make a really stupid movie.