Seconding the 'fuck off Kyrsten Sinema' emotion.

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Good thing she has imaginary friends to reach out to her an apologize 'cause I doubt that she has any real ones. Dems don't like her because she's a traitor and Repubs don't like her because she's a loser.

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And ugly too!

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“Don’t give a shit...” about you petty peons. Now where's my cushy lobbying/think tank/pharma job I was promised for selling out my constituents?

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I bet she gets some nice perks for her "government" "service." Even if that government was that of the Russian Federation.

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One of the key reasons Dems lost was Manchin and Senema’s obstruction of the democratic agenda

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Probably although the things Biden did get done were amazing but the billionaire-owned media refused to talk about it that way. So I don't know that even more transformative legislation would have been enough.

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I always strikes me as odd that the Biden family has supposedly been involved in all kinds of corrupt and traitorous business deals, but none of them are billionaires.

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Right? They are corrupt grifters but also really bad at it.

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The "you were lucky to have me" vibe is astounding. Fuck even further off, Slimena.

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Joe Manchin-less was a bigus dickus to the end, too. Dems, you have a problem with DINOs in your ranks, some of whom switch parties once they're in office, while others, like Manchin-less and Cursed'n'Sinister, are self-centered assholes who will do whatever it takes to get lots of money. Why is there not enough vetting of these creatures?

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We really need to make resigning your position a requirement for switching parties.

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Nice idea, but not fair to the voters unless you can prove they voted for the party and not the person.

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Interesting. In American politics I just assume people are voting for the party not the person.

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I gave Sinema a lot of my monies in 2018 and my vote. She was the worst Senator by far in my 40 years living in ArIzona!!!

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One less shitty person in Congress would be a start, if America wasn’t insistent on electing even shittier people to replace them. Sinema was horrible, and she constantly gave off those “nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess I’ll become a conservative,” vibes. Good luck with your shoe sales.

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Sinema is the worst case of "Main Character Syndrome" ever recorded. I mean, ALL politicians have it to some degree, but boy howdy is she a little Princess Put-upon.

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An Arizonan who gave money and my vote to Sinema in 2018 and she gave the finger back to hardworking Arizonans by doing her thumbs down curtsy voting against a $15/hour minimum wage! Good riddance!

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Per. Son. Ality. Disorder.

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Now I understand Hair Furor's support for Putin and HIS "soft invasion" of Ukraine. They have been looking for an excuse to do Pershing Redux out of El Paso since 2020. Heil Twitler!

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Well he didn't get to bomb drug cartels (pew pew) the first time so I guess its time for round two of "please let me bomb Mexico (pew pew)".

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Are you barred from the Women’s bathroom in Congress if you ARE a dick? Or only if you ever had one?

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This has always seemed to me to be one of those laws they pass that can't be enforced. If a transgender person does use the women's bathroom, she should bring a whole lot of reporters with her to record how the law is enforced.

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How many whiney bitches will stop crying on the day democracy dies? Zero, there is no path to pleasing these fucks.

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Quislings who helped usher in a fascist state for money. That is what they should be remembered for.

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Learned a new word today

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