The Lancet is one of the most important and largest medical journals in the world, second only perhaps to the New England Journal Of Medicine in how influential it is. It is like the Highlights For Children of doctoring journals.
And The Lancet won't stop being mean to Donald Trump!
First, the big news:
Yet ANOTHER Study Says Trump's Magic Snake Oil Hydroxybonerpills 3000 Drug Causes MORE DEATH In COVID-19 Patients
Yes, another study! On top of all the other studies! Which Donald Trump, whose brain is functioning like a normal person's brain, calls "surveys."
Here is Donald Trump this week saying that people who say hydroxychloroquine is not a miracle cure for everything from coronavirus to jock itch to anal leakage are just looking at the wrong survey , which is a "Trump enemy statement" and not a good survey :
Question: Why is it ok for you to promote the use of this drug when you’re not a doctor? Trump: Well, I’ve worked w…
— Acyn Torabi (@Acyn Torabi) 1589912293.0
We guess that's how Trump thinks scientific studies work, somebody calls you and asks you to take a survey . "Are you a coronavirus survivor, and is that because Trump-brand Hydroxybonercut 3000 is your favorite?" All those other surveys probably just talked to Trump haters who are dead right now!
Goddammit he is so stupid.
ANYWAY, new "survey" inThe Lancet . It is an analysis of 96,000 COVID-19 patients from six different continents, and it did not find what Trump would have wanted it to find:
A study of 96,000 hospitalized coronavirus patients on six continents found that those who received an antimalarial drug promoted by President Trump as a "game changer" in the fight against the virus had a significantly higher risk of death compared with those who did not.
People treated with hydroxychloroquine, or the closely related drug chloroquine, were also more likely to develop a type of irregular heart rhythm, or arrhythmia, that can lead to sudden cardiac death, it concluded.
Womp womp.
As the Washington Post notes, this is the "largest analysis to date" of whether the magic beans Donald Trump is selling are really, in fact, magic. To be fair, it is not a controlled study , as the Post notes, but rather a deep dive into medical records after the fact. Let's see what scientist doctor people say about it anyhow:
"It's one thing not to have benefit, but this shows distinct harm," said Eric Topol, a cardiologist and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute."If there was ever hope for this drug, this is the death of it."
Oh. Well that guy must just be a Deep State Trump hater!
Still, though, "this is the death of it" is kind of a definitive statement. As is "another nail in the coffin for hydroxychloroquine," which a former FDA dude named Peter Lurie said to the Post .
Let's ask another scientist doctor person:
David Maron, director of preventive cardiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine, said that "these findings provide absolutely no reason for optimism that these drugs might be useful in the prevention or treatment of covid-19."
Yeesh. One of the people who did the study, Mandeep Mehra, a Harvard medical professor, said he "[wishes] we had had this information at the outset, as there has potentially been harm to patients." As in, all these people pushing Trumpy Hydroxybonermagic 3000 into COVID patients' bodies might actually have contributed to the death rate , if we are translating his polite doctor comment correctly.
Oh yes, it looks like we are! More science-y block quote:
For those given hydroxychloroquine, there was a 34 percent increase in risk of mortality and a 137 percent increased risk of a serious heart arrhythmias.For those receiving hydroxychloroquine and an antibiotic — the cocktail endorsed by Trump — there was a 45 percent increased risk of death and a 411 percent increased risk of serious heart arrhythmias.
Those given chloroquine had a 37 percent increased risk of death and a 256 percent increased risk of serious heart arrhythmias. For those taking chloroquine and an antibiotic, there was a 37 percent increased risk of death and a 301 percent increased risk of serious heart arrhythmias.
Fu uuuuuuuuuuck!
Again, this study was published in The Lancet , which is a very bad "survey" magazine that is being very unfair to Donald Trump lately.
Which brings us to the second way The Lancet is being insufficiently respectful of Our Dear Leader:
Trump Says The Lancet Wrote Thing The Lancet Did Not Write. The Lancet Rudely Responds THE FUCK YOU SAY?
Trump sent a whinyass letterearlier this week to the World Health Organization, whinyassedly whining about how everything is the WHO's fault, and not Trump's fault, because of how WHO did collusion with 'GIIIIIIIIIIINA . The letter specifically accused the WHO of ignoring warnings about coronavirus in December 2019 and before, "including reports from the Lancet medical journal."
To which The Lancet responded ... no we didn't? Guess they didn't like Trump just cold making up shit about them:

The Lancet published no report in December, 2019, referring to a virus or outbreak in Wuhan or anywhere else in China.
The first reports the journal published were on January 24, 2020.
The Lancet then went on to criticize Trump's accusations against the WHO in his letter, because of how they were bullshit, and restated that maybe you shouldn't make up shit about The Lancet unless you want The Lancet to take you behind the gym after third period.
The allegations leveled against WHO in President Trump's letter are serious and damaging to efforts to strengthen international cooperation to control this pandemic. It is essential that any review o the global response is based on a factually accurate account of what took place in December and January.
OK, they didn't say the "behind the gym after third period" thing. But we bet they thought it.
And finally, the rudest cut of them all!
The Lancet Just Comes Out And Says Trump Fucking Sucks And Needs To GTFO
We actually did these in reverse order, because this one happened first, on May 16.
Did we mention The Lancet is not commonly known as a political magazine? It is not commonly known as that. But that didn't stop the esteemed medical journal from publishing quite the harsh editorial about the need to bring the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) back to life, now that the Trump administration has just about destroyed it.
They diagnosed the disease, noting that the de-balling of the CDC started way back during the Reagan administration, continued with the George Dubya Bush administration, and then Trump killed it dead just in time for a global pandemic:
The Trump administration further chipped away at the CDC's capacity to combat infectious diseases. CDC staff in China were cut back with the last remaining CDC officer recalled home from the China CDC in July, 2019 , leaving an intelligence vacuum when COVID-19 began to emerge. In a press conference on Feb. 25, Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, warned US citizens to prepare for major disruptions to movement and everyday life. Messonnier subsequently no longer appeared at White House briefings on COVID-19. More recently, the Trump administration has questioned guidelines that the CDC has provided. These actions have undermined the CDC's leadership and its work during the COVID-19 pandemic.
And then they provided the cure. Surprise, it is not hydroxychloroquine:
The Trump administration's further erosion of the CDC will harm global cooperation in science and public health, as it is trying to do by defunding WHO. A strong CDC is needed to respond to public health threats, both domestic and international, and to help prevent the next inevitable pandemic.Americans must put a president in the White House come January, 2021, who will understand that public health should not be guided by partisan politics.
Is The Lancet being subtle enough for you, there? Because that sounds like a Biden endorsement. From The Lancet , which does not tend to do such things.
In summary and in conclusion, The Lancet is a dick and is therefore invited to all Wonkette's parties from now on.
[ Washington Post / The Lancet ]
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