Laura Ingraham Also Too Got Humiliated On Live TV This Week
Steve Almond is the best Fox News guest ever.
If you're reading this on Friday morning, you are probably celebrating the election of our new consensus House speaker, "Some Guy Gaetz And Boebert Picked Up At The Bar At Hooters." Good luck, guy from the Hooters bar!
But we didn't want you to miss Laura Ingraham's greatest career moment this year, which happened on Wednesday night. This is also IN CONTENTION for the best Fox News interview of the week. The other one is in another post this morning, WE REPORT YOU DECIDE.
Anyway, Ingraham was interviewing an author named Steve Almond, who has some feelings about how maybe football is not such a good idea anymore, considering all the brain damage and so forth. He wrote a book on the subject.
As we said, it was Wednesday, which means it came before the incredible news that Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin is awake and according to his doctors, as of Thursday, he appears not to have suffered permanent neurological damage. It's still going to be a long road, they say.
But obviously, Fox News and other rightwing freakshows have to turn this into a THEY ARE COMING FOR YOUR PENIS MASCULINITIES!!!1!111 story, to make their incel viewers shit their pants. So Ingraham invited the guy who wrote the book about ending football. She obviously thought she could use him as a punching bag.
It did not go that way.
Here's the part where Almond said the NFL would make football safer when it has an economic incentive, and compared it to how Fox News throws money at settling lawsuits when its hosts are accused of sexual harassment. Bad PR is bad PR!
Ingraham HATED that.
“Oh shit he went there”
— Acyn (@Acyn) 1672889449
Some transcript from Daily Beast:
“It’s like at Fox News when you have hosts who are allegedly sexually harassing people ,” he said. “Fox News throws money at that to make that PR problem go away.”
“That’s a cute little move,” Ingraham would say shortly afterward. “I’m trying to get you to answer a question.”
She also tried to say "nobody has done more to expose" something or another, but she cut herself off. Not sure whether she was going to say nobody had done more to expose sexual harassment than she herself personally , or Fox News, or "nobody has done more to expose their penis." Probably best that she started a whole different sentence right then.
Then there was this clip, where Almond made fun of Ingraham trying to scare her fans with tales of a "mythic woke mob" that's coming for their foo'ball. She pretended to be appalled at the suggestion that her entire career is built on trying to scare her dumbfuck viewers.
“Ingraham: Football is not about politics. It's not about politics. You're making it about politics. Almond: That's your entire economic model. That's to scare your viewers. That's your whole gig.”
— Acyn (@Acyn) 1672892065
“I’m focused on the fans and what I essentially believe, which is not that any government ban is going to make football safer, and certainly not some mythic woke mob that you mentioned to try to scare your viewers,” Almond said.
Ingraham interjected that she is not “trying to scare the viewers,” and that the sport is “not about politics.”
“Oh, I think that’s your entire economic model,” Almond responded. “Your entire economic model is to scare your viewers. That’s your whole gig.”
Factcheck TRUE.
Without making the white geriatric idiots who watch Fox News shit their Depends, there is literally no reason for Fox News to exist. That's the business model.
Here's how the interview ended, with Almond again noting that the NFL will fix it when there's an economic incentive to do so, and this time compared it to the time Ingraham had to apologize after she was disgusting to a child who survived the Parkland mass shooting, which caused her advertisers to flee.
Watch how fast Ingraham ends it.
INGRAHAM: But underneath it all, you seem to have a belief that football has — has a history based in racism and a celebration of the fans of violence. And what I'm saying to you is, I think — I don't know what kind of fan base you're going to, they don't celebrate violence. They're there to enjoy the game and celebrate the talent.
ALMOND: I don't think the fans celebrate violence. I agree with you, Laura. I don't think the fans are celebrating the violence. I think they tolerate the violence and they see when somebody like Damar Hamlin is almost killed in front of them — or I remember watching Darryl Stingley get paralyzed as an 11-year-old — and I didn't stop watching football. And lots of fans don't stop watching football because they enjoy it so much because it's so thrilling. The reason that people change their behavior is because there's an economic incentive. A couple of years ago when you taunted a survivor of Parkland mass shooting, you apologized because advertisers withdrew from your show and —
INGRAHAM: Steven, nice try little buddy. Nice try buddy, I appreciate it. This is what they always do, but we're going to welcome all points of view on the show.
Yeah, little buddy, NICE TRY. You sure did SUCCEED at reminding everybody what shit-mouthed gargoyle trash Laura Ingraham really is, NICE TRY LITTLE BUDDY.
Fucking asshole probably scoffed herself to sleep the last two nights after that interview.
In related news, here is Noted Masculine Person Matt Walsh explaining why girls can't possibly understand Man Things like football, not the way Noted Masculine Person Matt Walsh understands them.
“Daily Wire host: "Football is not for women. There might be some women who get into it. But it's not really for women. It's not for you. You don't understand it. You're not meant to understand it"”
— Jason Campbell (@Jason Campbell) 1672950760
You can tell Matt Walsh oozes masculinity by his ill-fitting clothes, his gross, ungroomed shitbeard, and his Supercuts haircut.
It's a Man Thing, you wouldn't understand.
[ Daily Beast / Media Matters ]
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So lemme keep this straight-- this "Matt Walsh" is not actually on TV. He's on some dumb paywalled reactionary website, right?? Not on Actual TV. Just wanted to get that right.
Packers and Rams, you know.