staunch atheist here. Will go to Black church any time this is an option. Black church is unto itself.

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He is risen… again… every single fucking year since 0 AD… and I would like to think he would have no idea what all this rising and falling has to do with bunnies shooting Easter eggs out their hoppers, cause Jesus actually sounds like a good dude, for a kid who grew up thinking he was the son of the creator of everything.

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My favorite atheist Easter song, if it’s not too late: https://youtu.be/w04ipnmhvSQ?si=qspwP9ewwkSU1-ZU

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I'd like to see a real holiday established One where everybody gets to do NOTHING at all NO stores open with giant sales, no big events, parties, or lavish meals to plan, prepare, and clean-up after. National "fuck-off" day. If it catches on, maybe extend it to a full week. It'd be great!!

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Zen Day. But don't call it that. "Sit still and shut up" Day, then.

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If worshipping the Lord is supposed to be a joyful experience, why are these people so miserable and guilt-ridden? Why is going to church a chore, or praying so overtly laborious? Shouldn't it be fun?

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"Conservative" Christians are walking contradictions. Jesus was about as far left as it gets.. He despised the accumulation of material wealth and by all accounts much preferred goofing off all day drinking wine and hanging with his friends rather than going to a job. Yet these people want their kids to follow his example, Go figure

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And what did he actually build? Jesus the carpenter... uh-huh.

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Oh please! Enough of this “Jesus was a Leftist” bullshit.

JESUS* WAS A SHIT-COVERED, ILLITERATE, POSSIBLY MENTALLY ILL PEASANT WHO LED A JEWISH DOOSDAY CULT. He did know what socialism was. He was an Iron Age Charles Manson or Marshall Applewhite, not Roman-Era Karl Marx!

Stop defending theism and religion. ABOLISH THEM!

*If he existed at all, because the Bible’s depiction is pure bullshit.

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Actually historical documentation of the existence of Jesus is somewhat sparse, although some does exist. What that depicts is the son, or perhaps stepson, of a rather prominent man, of some means, hardly a peasant nor illiterate. The actual interpretation of his Joseph's profession was closer to "contractor" than humble carpenter. Jesus' social contacts would also suggest him to be a part of a small group of fairly well off Jews who had gained some favor with the Romans As far as leading a doomsday cult, totally inaccurate. Jesus never founded a new religion, rather he remained a devout Jew up until his death. the cult was largely Paul's doing, decades after the death of Jesus. As such, I would compare him more to most all other revolutionary types throughput history. Fairly wealthy and educated. yet dissatisfied with the state of things. Troublemakers!!

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Holidays are supposed to be fun! . A time to laugh, relax, drink too much, and stuff yourself with all sorts of tasty unhealthy treats!! Attaching any serious religious meaning to them is a surefire buzz kill!

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My sister loves my (now adult) kids, always has. Has always had a great relationship with them, spent time with them, talked to them.....

And she stopped sending gifts when they turned twelve. Because that seemed to her to be when they stopped being little kids and she doesn't exchange gifts with adults. Made sense to the kids, and never caused any kind of problem.

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Except that it was REALLY long, I enjoyed a Greek Orthodox wedding. Gorgeous church and lots of (to me) weird ceremonies as part of it. AND they had a chocolate fountain in the reception.

I call myself an agnostic, but definitely not the kind of xtian you read about these days, that's for sure.

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I too remember all of the SMELLS AND BELLS at the church!

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Best part of the Mass! Loved that incense

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@ Letter #1: First, some rando religious mumbo jumbo on a card isn't likely to corrupt your otherwise secular children. When I was about 10, I went to a weekend church camp with a friend. Unbeknownct to me, my parents worried the whole time. It was a real holy roller, born again type of church. But all I remembered was some singing, and some camping, and the bus breaking down on the way home. I'm sure some proselytizing must have occurred, but I have no memory of it. At that age, I just loved camping, and it seems that's about all I paid any attention to. Even at that age, I was apparently able to ignore proselytizing, and don't feel the least bit traumatized by it.

Also, even though I'm an unrepentant atheist, I can appreciate some of the elements of it. Have you ever been to Europe. Most of the most amazingly beautiful olde buildings are all churches. The arches, the stained glass... that alone is almost a religious experience for this non-believer. (And yes, I realize it is only because the church had most of the money through the Middle Ages and Renaissance that enabled them to build these amazing churches).

@ Letter #2: Hedge your bets. At least send a minor gift card. They may turn out fine. I taught middle school for years. I have news for you. Almost all kids that age are absolute shitheads. I know I sure was. Hormones are raging, and doing crazy things to their bodies. They are completely self-absorbed, and also crazy insecure. Puberty, man. It sucks. Most grow out of it, and turn out to be perfectly well-adjusted adults. Hopefully. This is not the age to give up on them... yet.

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Dear Bad Auntie:

They do indeed (usually) turn into responsible, liberal, empathetic adults. It takes time! Trust me, I know. I have some nieces and nephews that are really great people. They're in their 30's and because I spent their lives making a difference and being a good example, I feel I had a hand in raising solidly good people to adulthood. Believe me, I felt the same way, they were really not very nice people as teens. Try to remember how hard it was to be a teenager. It sucked, you ask me.

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Great! I💯% agree with everything you said.

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It is spring and spring festivals have been done for centuries. Just because religion has hijacked the festival time doesn't mean you have to bend a knee. Try a pagan festival: :https://www.thornandclaw.com/blogs/news/how-to-celebrate-ostara-the-spring-equinox

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