Kayleigh McEnany, one of the greatest liars to ever lie nonstop from the White House briefing room, has gone home. She was 32.
She is still 32, because the fucker ain't dead, she's just snaked her way into a job lying her stupid face off on Fox News, which is where she belonged in the first place. That's what we mean by "home." We assume she is otherwise unemployable, but Fox News will be a good fit, as it is for all the other deplorable Trump morons who end up working there.
Media Matters has a good roundup of McEnany's greatest lies. She was an enthusiastic, prodigious asshole when it came to promoting Trump's fascist Big Lie that he won an election wherein he actually got his loser ass stomped. Personally, we will always remember the time she got hired for her job, promised to never lie to the journalists during the briefings, and made it maaaaaybe 15 minutes without lying. Oh, and the Wisconsin Ditch Ballots! That was a fun series of really stupid lies from McEnany, who on top of her lying has been drawing a paycheck for years to pretend she, a 2016 Harvard law grad, is just jawdropping weapons-grade stupid.
Fox News asshole Harris Faulkner announced today that McEnany was joining the Fox News "family" (of liars), but didn't say exactly what she would be doing. Maybe she could do a new segment called "Make It More Bullshit!" Like, a "Fox & Friends" idiot could say a lie about a genderless Potato Head , or Tucker Carlson could go on one of his shriek-y white supremacist sperm rants, and then they could cut in like "Kayleigh, make it more bullshit!" and she would have five seconds to come up with an even more astounding lie than the one the Fox News host just told. She would always deliver the goods.
Faulkner's announcement came as she played more of an interview she did with McEnany this week, in which McEnany bellyached about how MEAN the White House Press Corps was to her, as she lied to them day after day. We'd devote more words to McEnany's complaints, but we are all out of fucks to give about whatever's bothering her today.
McEnany also lied and said everybody in the White House was just totally broken up by the terrorist attack her former boss incited on America on January 6.
Of course, as some have noted, Kayleigh Mac was already basically a Fox News contributor. Hell, she went on there more than she did actual White House press briefings, which was ostensibly her job. There was all this confusion late last year when she was working for the White House and also somehow for the Trump campaign, but at all times she was on Fox News, spewing her bullshit. "That would be a question more for the White House," the press secretary said with a straight face in November during a Fox News appearance.
The news side of Fox News is pissed, the Daily Beast reports. Here's a "Fox News insider":
"It's truly disgusting they fired hard-working journalists who did care about facts and news reporting only to turn around and hire amini-Goebbelswhose incessant lies from the White House helped incite an insurrection on our democracy that got five people killed, including a police officer," a Fox News insider raged to The Daily Beast. "Post-Trump Fox is quickly becoming a very scary place and quite dangerous for our democracy. It's not even conservative news anymore. They've plunged into an alternate reality where extremist propaganda is the only course on the menu."
Here's a Fox News journalist:
"It bothers me in that it is basically a slap in the face to the hardworking journalists that value real news and facts. But it also doesn't surprise me because they have shown that they don't give a damn about facts and real news."
There's more where that came from.
Congratulations on finding another dumpster worthy or your garbage, Kayleigh McEnany. Your god must be proud.
[ Daily Beast ]
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Do your Amazon shopping through this link, because reasons .
I have no practical use for it. It would doubtless be an exercise in buyer's remorse.
The sort of person who might have use for it, I imagine, would be a contractor of some kind, who had need of a table saw to take to job sites. But that's so totally not me.
Accelerated manufacturing is great. Without adequate supply of vaccines, we're not going to get this done. But that's not all there is to it. America's complete lack of a healthcare system is glaring so brightly it's getting very hard to ignore.
How are all these vaccines going to get into people's arms? We don't know. There's no system.
My wife, as an elementary special ed assistant, has gotten dose 1 of the Pfizer. She has no idea when she'll get does 2. She doesn't even know how she'll find out. Minnesota has been pretty good at this, and has prioritized vaccinating teachers and school staff as a step to reopening schools, but has no functional or coherent system to deliver vaccines. My wife was contacted in haphazard and contradictory fashion by two private corporations which have minimal online presence and no clear relationship to anything; and by her employer.
And my wife, as a teacher and in Minnesota, is among the lucky ones.
I have no idea when or from whom I'll get a vaccine. If I get one by Labor Day I'll call it lucky.
Keeping the finance sector in firm control of healthcare is very beneficial to the billionaire donor class. I've been able to get some scraps out of it by coordinating expensive meetings and events for some of the corporate grifters involved. But when it comes to delivering healthcare, it's a shambolic disaster. It's killing people, and our overall economy.
This is getting harder and harder to deny or ignore.