LIVE: Look Who's Releasing His Budget Like Some Kind Of 'The President Of America'
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No White House presser today because Joe Biden is off to Philly to say "budget stuff."
The White House says his remarks will be like this:
President Biden releases his Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 and delivers remarks on his plans to invest in America, continue to lower costs for families, protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare, reduce the deficit, and more.
Pffffft, what about wokegender litterboxes and drag queens who can't stop showing off how good at reading they are?
Wake us up when the president addresses some REAL issues.
(Also Wonkette will have a real story about Joe Biden's woke budget later.)
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And once that doesn't exist, I'm also giving things a go at the Mastodon ( and at Post!
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if she had any damn sense, she'd keep a low profile.
I rest my case, then.