LIVE: Normal, Well-Adjusted Republicans Asking Dr. Fauci Normal, Well-Informed Questions About Science
Just a normal hearing on WonkTV!
Today, Dr. Anthony Fauci will sit for questions from the House Select Coronavirus Committee, which is run by Republicans, who understand science and vaccines and how the world works. They are also pretty sure Fauci is history’s greatest monster, who created COVID in his home science lab in order to forcibly inject 5G into people’s bottoms, to turn them into hotspots.
Fauci is, of course, retired, but that doesn’t mean he is not the devil. Why, he’s probably also behind the recent persecutions of Donald Trump.
The Washington Post’s Dan Diamond has a look at the two congressdoctors who run the coronavirus subcommittee — Brad Wenstrup, the Republican chair and Raul Ruiz, the Democratic ranking member. He also has some questions about what could, or should happen in this hearing. Here is a Politico preview of the hearing.
If you don’t want to read those things and be well-informed, and just want to skip right to yelling “Lab leak! LAB LEEEEEEEEEAK!” at a TV screen, here’s your livestream for that:
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Dr Mccormick comments regarding covid mitigations can be said for abortion! I'm a geek and watched the whole thing and his theme was government should not come between a patient and what is right fir them and their Dr. How much you want to bet he is pro life. The hypocrisy is so frustrating
Ta, Evan. Those of us who work with HIV positive clients have long considered Dr. Fauci a hero. Unlike TFG, he's always found the best people to work with, which is why he tapped a team that had been working for six years on a SARS vaccine to modify their work for COVID-19.