LIVE: Secretary Of State Blinken Talks About The Afghanistan Withdrawal Like Such As
WonkTV congressional hearings are BACK!
Congress has been out quite a bit lately, but oh look, they're trickling back in, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken is testifying in the House this afternoon on the withdrawal from Afghanistan and how that's all going.
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No, we knew Osama was in Tora Bora. We left it up to the Afghans to keep him surrounded, even though it was our fight and not theirs, because W wanted to shift all the troops to Iraq, for no good reason. We should have killed Osama right then-- and gotten out-- and of course never gotten involved in Iraq. I was among those saying so at the time, but I was a nobody. Some people who were less of a nobody than myself were also saying so, but were not listened to.
“We’ve spent twenty years and two trillion dollars but if we hang on just a little longer everything’s going to go according to plan”