LIVE: White House Briefing, Bet Press Corps Has Lots Of Serious Questions About NATO Summit
Today on WonkTV!
What, you don’t think they’re going to ask serious questions about that?
Are Wonkette implying White House press corps not most serious people who ever lived?
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27 questions about "are you younger or older than you were yesterday", then Steve Doocy goes against the grain to ask a banger:
Doocy: "If NATO is the 'North Atlantic' defense pact, then why can't we count on our so-called 'allies' to defend against the North Atlantic when it throws storms like Beryl at us?"
Satanists to volunteer in Florida schools in protest at DeSantis religious bill []
Members of the Satanic Temple say they are poised to act as volunteer chaplains under a state law that took effect this week opening campuses to “additional counseling and support to students” from outside organizations.
Thank God for the Satanists!