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Dear God,
Please please please enable Michael Cohen to hold up under cross.
Look, I know that Trump has every right to not testify in his criminal trial, 5th Amendment and all that, and he has every right to try to delay his trial to the extent he is doing so within legal means. I get it.
But from a political and PR standpoint, it looks pretty fucking guilty for a guy faced with criminal charges to not be saying "I want a speedy trial so I can show everyone I am innocent of these shabby charges, and I will testify on my behalf so I can get my story out!" You can sure as shit bet that if this was any other candidate in a similar situation the media would be talking nonstop about the "optics" of trying to push their trial to after the election, and refusing to submit to cross examinations.
This country has been grading its worst citizen on a curve and it is having obvious results.