hold their feet to the fire!

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If only Chrissie Hynde could write "Ohio" again, only this time as "Michigan." The only state where I even technically own property is a patchwork of radical divisions and injured beauty. No place I know offers more fascination interfaced with frustration. Ottowa and Antrim County do not represent the state, or even their own denizens. Talk about blood poisoning--it's happening in the Mitten.

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“Ottawa Impact" seems on point, at least from an aeronautical point of view.

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Take off, and nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

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Ottawa Impact would be a great name for a Michigan death metal band.

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Ta, Dok. Enjoy your Thanksgiving vacation.

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I’m guessing the $4 million, a HUGE buyout, is not merely to compensate for lost future wages. It’s probably to avoid an ugly wrongful termination suit, because the wingnut board acted like a bunch of petty goobers who acted illegally.

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My understanding is it was to stop the ongoing wrongful termination lawsuit that has made the goobers look even more stupid as every judge has spanked the commissioners hard for trying to fire the woman who forced them to wear masks and closed their evangelical schools during a world wide pandemic. Add to that the wrongful termination lawsuit they are courting by trying to fire the Health Department's sex ed head (who has been wildly successful at lowering STD rates, unwanted pregnancies, and started programs to help sexual assault survivors) and they were judging proving how over their heads they were in the basics of government.

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Way too kind. Extra points for proper use of “goobers” though.

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It's in keeping with one of the edicts of the evangelical crowd in general, "we're good, so everything we do is good."

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I read about this somewhere else this morning and thought it an absolute HOOT! They offered this obscene amount of money without talking to their insurers? Were they planning on running bake sales and car washes to raise some of it? Although quite a good deal for Ms. Hambley, as long as she could still speak out after the buyout.

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Can the taxpayers sue the commissioners for wasting taxpayer money?

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They can vote them out.

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True, but that can take time and these guys can do a lot of damage in that time. Also, too many of our elections are either rigged or so full of lies that people have no idea what they're voting about. They vote for a celebrity or an (R) just because.

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That's about it...

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If you make a deal without checking out the facts first, you've just made a bad deal.

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They meant 4 million in Zimbabwe dollars.

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And didn't realize that Zimbabwe uses US dollars as their semi-official currency?

Checks out.

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So the county insurer heard the terms, and when they quit laughing caught their corporate breath and said "Did you read the fine print?" Which is insurance speak for Not our circus, not our monkey. Have these people never been in a car accident before?

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So an HVAC installer is now the county health officer. Who is the medical examiner? A barber?

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barber surgeons were once a thing . . . so all those "originalists" should love the idea.

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I believe that the red stripes on barber poles represented blood.

"Ambroise Pare, a 16th-century Frenchman considered the father of modern surgery, started his career as a barber-surgeon. The look of the barber pole is linked to bloodletting, with red representing blood and white representing the bandages used to stem the bleeding."


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This would explain the teeth of their minions.

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Jesus I hope they have to pay and then are forced to bill every taxpayer in the county for it. Sucks if you voted against them but elections have consequences.

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Perhaps they can say that the agreement was for a payout over 4 million years.

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Wait, wait, we're accountable for our utter ignorance?

Dude, we're angry white conservatives - we've no experience with that concept.

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Hey, it'sMichigan!

That was the state that put aside the elected people in Flint and installed their own cronies.

Surely what is good enough for the goose, and all that, Gretchen. Just think about it!

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State takeovers are only for cities that are predominantly populated by “blah” people.

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Ottawa County isn’t Flint. Almost exclusively white. Historically a community of busybodies that look down their noses at everyone else. The perfect all-day suckers for the fascist Party.

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Sounds like they are getting what they deserve.

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