Satan Once Again Using Toys To Teach Kids To Cast Sleep Paralysis Spells On You
How does this keep happening?
Have you been having troubles at home? Is your marriage falling apart? Are you suffering from sleep paralysis? Is your kid clumsy? Or sick?
Well, according to some Nice/Incredibly Smug Christian Girl whose name we do not actually know, these things are not normal, they are not caused by germs or external conflict or weak ankles, and they actually only happen to people whose children have been inadvertently cursing them with overpriced plastic toys designed by Satan to teach them how to do witchcraft.
This toy, "Magic Mixies" (Wonkette cut link!) , will cost you $96 and features a "magical" cauldron that children are supposed to use exactly one time to "summon" a stuffed animal. Like so!
WORTH. EVERY. PENNY. ✨🤯🤩 #asmr #magicmixies #potion
There's also a version that is a crystal ball!
Yes, that definitely is some real witchcraft right there.
“Are you bringing witchcraft into your home via toys?”
— Christian Nightmares (@Christian Nightmares) 1666539226
Do y’all see how Satan is indoctrinating kids? Parents think that this is cute and they bring witchcraft into their homes. This is training your child how to do witchcraft, and then you wonder why your kids have nightmares, you have sleep paralysis, your marriage is falling apart, your family is breaking apart, your kids are rebellious, they don’t listen to you, there’s torment in your home, in your mind, mental illness, physical illness, your kid gets sick all the time, they’re accident prone ... that is not normal. That is what happens when you bring witchcraft into your home and you might think it’s innocent and it’s cute — the devil doesn’t care.
If Satan doesn't care then why is he spending so much time crafting evil toys like some kind of Opposite Santa?
You think it’s a toy, yet your kid is playing with spells and potions and cauldrons and they’re learning how to do witchcraft. And then people wanna act surprised why our generation and the younger generation coming up is obsessed with tarot cards, with witchcraft, with astrology, with crystals and manifesting.
Probably no one is that surprised though, given that these are things teenagers have been into since the Fox sisters first figured out how to crack their toes.

File: Fox sisters 1852.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
This girl knows of what she speaks.
At the end of the video, she explains that before finding Jesus, she "was indoctrinated into the occult because of toys like this, TV shows, games, and one of [her] parents allowing it," which definitely seems true. We can assume that this led to her parents splitting up and getting sleep paralysis and having other issues in their lives, which surely would have been perfect had they never bought her any Harry Potter books.
This is an unbelievably common story. There are loads of evangelicals out there who used to be evil witches and Satanic high priests. In fact, it kind of seems like the only non-fictional people who practice witchcraft the way evangelicals think people practice witchcraft are future evangelicals. Just something to think about!
Do your Amazon shopping through this link, because reasons .
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Ben Stiller tried to warn us about these toys back in the early 90's!
My husband swears his high school principal was named Harry Dick and he was married to Anita.