Well, I agree that mental and this is a broad category. A person with depression may use that gun to shoot themselves, so may also be considered in our red flag category.

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“Now, we should all be aware now that those who have mental illnesses”

Mental illness is such a broad category, I have no idea how many non-dangerous people will be affected. I mean is a lawyer who sees a therapist regularly suffering from mental illness? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️

Really need better rules than something as broad as mental illness being a barrier. If one category of people can be denied one thing that’s legal for others, they can be denied other things.

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Good work, Robyn!

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The Gun Gods do not allow or look kindly on those who attempt to pry the guns from their worshiper's hands, cold and dead or otherwise.

And the worshipers have taken note of course so, not many will think it is in fact a good idea to do that. How else would they sacrifice the blood their Gun Gods demand of them without their guns?

They need their guns!

The worst part is that there are such worshipers at every level of government. That includes the ones who also worship that other Chaotic Evil God of No Restraints, Freedumb.

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"The only people who really “die for anyone’s freedoms” are those who die in mass shootings."

Oof. Well said.

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Publish photos of AR victims.. Broadcast photos of AR victims. American voters need to see the carnage; not showing it protects only the gun industry. Make it real to the general public, not just law enforcement and trauma surgeons. This is not a video game. Rub our faces in it.

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It's kind of the underpants gnome thing for conservatives...

1. Better mental healthcare.

2. ????

3. Less mass shootings

Well except the part about conservatives actually caring about getting better mental care to people who need it. They, of course, don't.

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"The problem with owning a gun in the first place is the fact that it’s there and it’s available and it’s an option."

Exactly why I haven't gotten one!

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I will never have another firearm in my home. My best friend used his own handgun on himself because I didn't remove it from the house (I hid it, but poorly). That's not a risk I ever want to take with another loved one. Firearms are far too convenient at giving a temporary problem a permanent solution.

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Thank you! My husband teases me and keeps asking for one and I staunchly refuse. Never gonna happen.

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As we already know, guns are the problem never a solution.

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The crowd is out there that actually believes it's a better world if you're allowed to walk around sporting a near-weapon of mass destruction wherever you go. It makes no sense. Consider the paranoia and narcissism at the withered heart of such a proposition: how are the people around you in the grocery store supposed to know you're "one of the good guys" and not the next deranged mass murderer who's hearing voices that tell him to kill innocent people? Evidently, they want to live in a world that's been radically destabilized and rendered perpetually terrifying, even when one is going about the most ordinary, seemingly safe activities. In short, they want to do away with civilization itself, which requires the banishment of such existential terror from daily life.

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Well written! Bravo.

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The mentally challenged garbage humans on right wing websites are in full unceasing cry. OI course. It was a government psy-op or a false flag arranged by the left.

May diseased hyenas urinate in every beer they ever try to drink, a thing which has metaphorically happened to their thought processes already.

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Ta, Robyn.

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“The only people who really “die for anyone’s freedoms” are those who die in mass shootings. “

Oof. That is so true.

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Wait. Mike Pence was running for president?!?!

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Guns are for cowards other than those who sign up for the military and have them issued to them via the Quartermaster.

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The last time I touched a gun was when I turned my M-16 in to the arms room in Karlsruhe in 1984.

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One complication that might have stopped police from confiscating his guns was that he was taken to the hospital when he was training in NY. He very well might not have had any guns in NY and the fact that he was taken there might not have been relayed to Maine (communication between the states is not always good).

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I don’t think these “flag” laws no matter what color ever worked. How many stories have we read where an abused partner has alerted police that their deranged tormentor has firearms and absolutely zero happens? Far too many.

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And maybe that's an issue that needs to be FIXED.

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