Both parents doctors; grew up on upper east side Manhattan; went to the Taft School and Vassar. He knows all about hard experiences. No military service

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One of my favorite quotes because it fits so well:

"The puritan hated bear baiting, not because it gave pain to the bear, but because it gave pleasure to the spectators."Thomas Babington Macaulay

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What about the cavemen & cavewomen? BEFORE FIRE?????? Talk about life being nasty, brutish and short!! Millennials, pffft

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It’s probably pretty difficult to separate the biological drive for reproduction/furthering the species, with the drive to raise and protect your children the best way you can, while also maintaining a personal level of comfort. There’s age-related wisdom, and there’s false confidence. Selfishness is intrinsic to survival, in some ways.

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So here's a question for them: When is the last time you had to walk through a sewer waist-high in human filth, choking on the toxic ammonia, yet unable to cough for fear of alerting the Nazi SS soldiers on the street above — knowing that if you did, they would open a manhole cover and toss in grenades or poison gas to kill you?

I feel confident in assuming that there would be considerable harrumphing and shifting-of-feet if a millennial or anyone else asked him when was the last time he did that. Over Memorial Day weekend maybe?

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Thiessen has no idea how ridiculous he is. What an ignoramus. For heaven’s sake, who does he think is manning our military? The millennials who are our active duty military pilots are getting more combat flying time than any generation since Viêt Nam. They’re not soft. They work hard, sacrifice much & risk their lives daily. (Yet we still lose more lives to guns here in the states than we do to military operations abroad.)

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You know, the guy that wrote speeches for the guy Trump said was "a disaster", but installed his policies on steroids anyway.?

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As Rudyard Kipling said......”If, you can bear to hear the truths you’ve spoken, twisted by knaves, to set a trap for fools”. I.E. Faux News

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Feminists get this delegitimizing "you don't get to protest because other people have/had it worse" bullshit all the time.

It's an idiotic argument. No one refuses to go to the doctor for a rash because other people have cancer. Shut up, Marc.

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Twenty days ago when I was temporarily a companion to a fuckin' metal Dr Who.

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Or the Taipeng rebellion or sabre toothed tigers!

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Self interest is key to survival, but for an intelligent species that means an enlightened self interest. Civilization is based on protecting physically weaker members of the society from predation. That is how a society develops a diverse range of skills, increases its wealth, and ultimately prospers. These Randian Objectivists leave out the “enlightened” part and go straight for personal greed, which is not a pro-survival characteristic.

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why Patrick Stewart?

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I was going to answer something about Hurricane Katrina, Maria and Harvey but instead of grenades and poison gas, we have AR-15s and police with military hand-me-downs.

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I never saw before that it was a white guy who punched Spencer

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I was just quoting that today (when talking about who gave the kill order on Epstein.)

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