Tim Mellon is another gigantic example of a white male loser failing upward. Yes, he has tons of money--not of his own making, though. Plus, he's batshit crazy.
All the stupid billionaires in the Cayman Islands can’t elect that corrupt felon. America decisively noped out on Trump when he was an incumbent, at the height of his power, with far fewer felony convictions and 4 years younger. No matter who the Dem candidate is, Biden or anyone else, all those bundles of cash are better used as kindling for campfires.
You know that if say George Soros donated this much to Biden, other wouldn't be a basket big enough for all the kittens the Republicans would be having.
Timothy Mellon owns, among other baubles, the Boston and Maine Corporation, which owns what remains of the Boston & Maine Railroad (mostly land, some of it rather valuable). He is such a sleazy scum that he even cheats and sleazes other sleazy scum, like Jones Lang LaSalle. One of the most hilarious opinions I have ever read was over just such a sleazefest, in the 2010 case Cambridge North Point LLC v. Boston and Maine Corporation in the Delaware Court of Chancery, C.A. No. 3451-VCS (you can read it at https://law.justia.com/cases/delaware/court-of-chancery/2010/139460-1.html; interestingly, my copy of the decision has the case number as 3461-VCS). The land at issue is a stone's throw from my house and has inspired quite a bit of litigation over the years, including a landmark environmental case, Moot v. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (by the way, John Moot was the good guy in that one, trying to make the DEP enforce the law). So Timothy Mellon and tfg are a match made in heaven.
Edit: Oh, and North Point is not that far from the Amelia Earhart Dam and there's an Earhart Street in North Point. It all makes so much sense.
Oh, he puts in the effort at being a sleazy, awful person every chance he gets. And, speaking as a title examiner, "owns" is a term of art that I use intentionally.
$50 million is way more than most Americans will earn in their entire lives. The fact that someone can just write a check for that amount in an effort to influence an election should be illegal in a civilized nation.
He also said Social Security is "slavery." In his mind a national retirement system is the same thing as being forced with whips and guns to perform manual labor all day. OK.
I have my own theory about why these right-wing billionaires go bonkers to the right. They feel guilt and shame about having so much money, which in their heart they know they don't deserve - much of it being just inherited and/or the result of luck and bullying. So they overcompensate by telling themselves and everyone else that they deserve it so much because everyone else is "just lazy." A few will admit the truth and I applaud them, but most don't.
You know who was the perfect scion of a Gilded Age mogul? Leland Stanford Jr.
He was perfect because he died tragically young, prompting his father, a vile shit even by the standards of the old railroad robber barons, to do maybe the one generous thing he ever did in his life: Found Leland Stanford Jr. University.
Too bad this Mellon guy lived to squander his ancestors' money like that.
What was his autobiography? I bet someone can find a copy to share for a laugh.
Tim Mellon is another gigantic example of a white male loser failing upward. Yes, he has tons of money--not of his own making, though. Plus, he's batshit crazy.
All the stupid billionaires in the Cayman Islands can’t elect that corrupt felon. America decisively noped out on Trump when he was an incumbent, at the height of his power, with far fewer felony convictions and 4 years younger. No matter who the Dem candidate is, Biden or anyone else, all those bundles of cash are better used as kindling for campfires.
You know that if say George Soros donated this much to Biden, other wouldn't be a basket big enough for all the kittens the Republicans would be having.
Timothy Mellon owns, among other baubles, the Boston and Maine Corporation, which owns what remains of the Boston & Maine Railroad (mostly land, some of it rather valuable). He is such a sleazy scum that he even cheats and sleazes other sleazy scum, like Jones Lang LaSalle. One of the most hilarious opinions I have ever read was over just such a sleazefest, in the 2010 case Cambridge North Point LLC v. Boston and Maine Corporation in the Delaware Court of Chancery, C.A. No. 3451-VCS (you can read it at https://law.justia.com/cases/delaware/court-of-chancery/2010/139460-1.html; interestingly, my copy of the decision has the case number as 3461-VCS). The land at issue is a stone's throw from my house and has inspired quite a bit of litigation over the years, including a landmark environmental case, Moot v. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (by the way, John Moot was the good guy in that one, trying to make the DEP enforce the law). So Timothy Mellon and tfg are a match made in heaven.
Edit: Oh, and North Point is not that far from the Amelia Earhart Dam and there's an Earhart Street in North Point. It all makes so much sense.
“owns” is on shaky ground with this putz. He inherited his money, so zero effort from him in owning anything. Fucking trust-fund bitches.
Oh, he puts in the effort at being a sleazy, awful person every chance he gets. And, speaking as a title examiner, "owns" is a term of art that I use intentionally.
Ta, Gary. Mellon is a piece of trash. Rich trash, to be sure, but garbage nonetheless.
Indeed he is. See my comment, right after yours.
In other working class news, even though the union endorsed Biden in 2020, the president of the Teamsters will be speaking at the RNC.
They $ound nice
As long as he says they're assholes, I'm fine with him speaking there.
$50 million is way more than most Americans will earn in their entire lives. The fact that someone can just write a check for that amount in an effort to influence an election should be illegal in a civilized nation.
Fine argument for a wealth tax, it would seem.
Mellon: 'I am helping you defeat Biden. I gave you 25 mill and RFK Jnr 25 mill. How do you feel about that Mr Trump'
'SONNOFABISH. I deserved that whole 50 millions! Are you trying to ruin me??!'
"How about getting a fascist government elected in your country? That worked out so well for billionaire German industrialists in the 1930s."
It is like they do not think about where the Nazis got all that wealth and all those mansions? Industrialists fit in concentration camps too.
He also said Social Security is "slavery." In his mind a national retirement system is the same thing as being forced with whips and guns to perform manual labor all day. OK.
I have my own theory about why these right-wing billionaires go bonkers to the right. They feel guilt and shame about having so much money, which in their heart they know they don't deserve - much of it being just inherited and/or the result of luck and bullying. So they overcompensate by telling themselves and everyone else that they deserve it so much because everyone else is "just lazy." A few will admit the truth and I applaud them, but most don't.
I agree. OTOH, that is lots of words to write "assholes".
Masters of the universe? Fools, the lot of them. The lessons to be learnt crowd library shelves.
That's why they are anti-library.
Another heroic story of capitalism at its best, amassing great wealth at the expense of the planet and people.
I thought plastic bags weren't invented until the 1950s. Earhart was ahead of her time, but...
I do wish he had a newsletter I could subscribe to.
You know who was the perfect scion of a Gilded Age mogul? Leland Stanford Jr.
He was perfect because he died tragically young, prompting his father, a vile shit even by the standards of the old railroad robber barons, to do maybe the one generous thing he ever did in his life: Found Leland Stanford Jr. University.
Too bad this Mellon guy lived to squander his ancestors' money like that.