Metro Section: FedEx Heights
* "Do we really want to just hand over part of the city to Dan Snyder to develop as he sees fit? At best, the whole area would just be renamed Redskins Park. At worst (and with Snyder, it's always worse), it would be called Snydertown or FedEx Heights..." [ The DC Universe ]
* Rock and Roll Hotel to serve middle Eastern inspired cuisine. [ Frozen Tropics ]
* People bitching about other people on public transportation. Always familiar, always satisfying, "But there is that one person who has decided that he NEEDS the plexiglass partition by the door and by GOD you are not going to make him move!" [ Profiles in Toolness ]
* DCFUD reviews Mendocino and goat cheese cheesecake with citrus sorbet. [ DCFUD ]
* Garden photography contest worth $500. [ DC Master Gardener News ]