and then he went and crashed a wedding at the golf club, where he talked about how pretty the bride was and the rubes chanted USA!

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He isn't President, so why would not calling him president show bias in an official setting? If Obama were to be referred to under similar circumstances I wouldn't think that anyone who called him "Mr Obama" is somehow biased against him because well, he is "Mr" and also currently not President right now.

Calling Trump President however would be more indicative of a bias FOR him since he isn't President but those who thin he is/should be keep calling him that.

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Mr. Clinton wasn't afforded that privilege, and he was serving at the time.

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I can only assume they still call his predecessor President Barack Obama.

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i dont call Clinton or Obama president anymore and i voted for them.

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America only has one President at a time. Donald is an ordinary citizen now. Mr. Trump is an appropriate salutation.

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I refer to tRump as the Tangerine Idi Amin. With a tip of the cam to the Shower Cap blog.

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Everyone is supposed to be equal in the eyes of the law (and she's blindfolded), so no one, not even the King of England, is allowed the use of titles when they come before a court of law. Everyone is addressed as Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Miss. No exceptions in civilian courts. The only person who is addressed by a title is the judge.

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Short-fingered, ferret-wearing shitgibbon works for me.

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Calling him "Mister" showed too much respect.

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Yes, Defendant is much more appropriate for him. And soon, with any luck, Prisoner.

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Really the correct honorific in this circumstance is “Shitler”.

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At least she didn't refer to him as Mr. Thinskin.

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I'm reminded of a scene from Inherit the Wind:

Henry Drummond : And I object to all this Col. Brady talk. I am not familiar with Mr. Brady's military record.

Judge : Well, he was made honorary colonel in our state militia the day he arrived in Hillsboro.

Henry Drummond : Well, the use of the title prejudices the case of my client. It calls up a picture of the prosecution astride a white horse ablaze in the uniform of a military colonel and with all the forces of right and righteousness marshaled behind him.

Judge : Well, we certainly want to give you a fair hearing in this courtroom. We don't want anything prejudicial to your client. What do you suggest we do, counselor?

Henry Drummond : Break him. Make him a private. I have no serious objection to the honorary title of Private Brady.

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The E4 Mafia Approves This Message

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"Chewing with his mouth closed" ha!

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“That may not sound odd to anyone else, but he is still referred to by his former title 'President Trump' when he's at his Bedminster golf club in New Jersey, as he is tonight, or at Mar-a-Lago.”

When I was a psych nurse I had patients with grandiose delusions, but I did not therefore refer to them as "God".

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I had the same thought. "The people whom I pay to treat me with deference still call him by his former title!" 🙄

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Oh yeah? Wait until he hears the words, "Will the defendant please rise?" He may be hearing that several times over the next year or so.

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