New Jersey Molested By Terrible Mobs Of Political Flyers
Oh no. Oh no no no . What is this? What ... how? Democratic "gangbangers," gangbanging doors, with flyers? And a video -- a terrifying video! -- of an anonymous woman, who fears for her dear sweet life ... HELP! NEW JERSEY DEMOCRATIC FLYER-GANGBANGERS! [ Hot Air ]
Michelle Malkin double-doggy dares you to defend muslins and their so-called sharia law. [ Michelle Malkin ]
Vote Jonah Goldberg's brother for NYC City Council! And then read about Jonah Goldberg's kitten lightsaber fettish -- but only if you vote for his brother! [ The Corner ]
We now know for sure that waterboarding saved America from shoe bombers and global warming. Q. E. muther-fuckin' D. [ Weekly Standard ]
A very important Arizona Republican correctly points out that Democrats are entirely unfamiliar with the daily suffering of "those brown people." [ Think Progress ]