"Also can we ban Republicans from using the term “nuance” and ruining it for the rest of us?"

Yeah! Don't let "nuance" go the way of "woke" and "critical race theory." And I'm sure there are more that I can't bring to mind right now.

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Have the forced birthers noticed there have been MORE abortions since the tossing of R v W?

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Ta, Robyn. Comma comma comma comma comma chameleon.

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Christian historian, eh? Well, this guy is an Episcopal Priest, and an actual distinguished historian and public intellectual. He lays it all out, and it is ugly, ugly, ugly; a must-read:


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Thanks for that.

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Remember, according to republicans, poor people are supposed to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps or just hurry up and die. There is no third alternative in their world.

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19

For those who didn't click his link, this "historian" wrote a book about "a Christian alternative to partisanship," which made me roll my eyes forever.

Also, I would be a lot of pro-reproductive justice folks like myself know that there's lots of data that shows bans don't increase abortions; that, in fact, they INCREASE abortions. But someone teaching at a Christian college is probably paid pretty well not to know shit like that.

But if dingus McGee is really concerned about being more compassionate, there are loads of things he could do; for one he could start reading Jessica Valenti's "Abortion Every Day" and just start calling every pol who is proposing every horrific bill she posts about, like: a bill to force every woman with a nonviable pregnancy to *have a c-section or give birth* instead of an abortion, no matter how small the fetus apparently.

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A christian supporting a social safety net?

Yeah, right.

That's like prostitutes for celibacy.

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There was a time before rightwing white nationalists co-opted the word “Christian,” when there were Christians who supported the safety net. They’ve been hunted to near extinction. Jimmy Carter is the last of their kind.

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Not entirely. Whenever there's a domestic disaster (flood, earthquake) the first boots on the ground are often Methodists.

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And they proselytize like crazy.


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speaking as an old history major, I question whether the professor actually has the bona fides since he clearly understands nothing about history.

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“In such a political climate, abortion opponents must focus on changing hearts and minds before changing laws. They need to win public trust by demonstrating that their respect for life does not end with birth.”,

Ah yes, the mythical “respect for life” that none of them have. That is the most ridiculous part of the load of bullshit that they are trying to sell. I don’t have anything to say about them that does not end with me wishing them “into the cornfield.” IYNWIM.

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19

1. Run ads of Trump (who is trying to cast himself as moderate) crowing about killing Roe, telling Chris Matthews that women should be jailed, and telling a town hall that "First you have to be elected " so Republicans shouldn't sound too extreme in front of voters.

2. Put abortion measures on the November ballot to pull in Dems and make Republicans and Independents who saw those ads contrast what Trump would enable to them.

3.Rinse and repeat.

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Jan 19·edited Jan 20

Just to clarify, even if these people could convince me "that their respect for life does not end with birth," I would still not agree that abortion should be restricted, let alone banned. Abortion is healthcare. And I don't GAF what someone else thinks I should do when I go to my doctor.

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What exactly is the “compelling government interest” in forcing a 15 year old girl to give birth?

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Potential slave labor .

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oh, i'm sure they'll think of something. they always do.

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"Today, as the anti-abortion movement faces new challenges amid rising national abortion numbers, it may be time to rediscover this forgotten path."

So what matters is the abortion numbers, not the dead women & children or the women & children forced to bear the results of rape?


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NOW, that we have caught the car, might be a time for us to consider ways to mitigate the very shitty thing that we have done.

Oh, thanks dude. How many people you figger are gonna die before you totally get those social safety nets in place?

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Women never matter to these folks.

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As some asshole recently said, we are merely "hosts" for a fetus.

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Years ago my Mom miscarried. If these religious nuts had tried to arrest her and indict her for murder Dad would have gone on the warpath...

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Okay, Dems, make sure voters are reminded frequently from now until the election what the Republican stance is on abortion, IVF, and birth control. Also on women, the economy, the climate, and [shrugs, points at EVERY FUCKING THING IN THE UNIVERSE].

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I've had six spite abortions this week alone, which is pretty good for a 55 year old guy.

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True story: my conservative forced birth step-dad was arguing with us hippie liberal prochoice stepdaughters and objected to us calling him antiabortion. He said, "Do you know how many abortions I personally have been involved in?" We tried to tell him that that isn't relevant, and then he interrupted, "Five." He went on to explain he brought girlfriends etc to abortion clinics, but that he paid for them with his own money, no government assistance (according to him). I was flabbergasted. That's SO MANY ABORTIONS. It really just underlined the projection: they think other people will use abortion as contraception because that's what THEY would do. But only THEY are the arbiters of when an abortion is acceptable. It's murder when other people do it, but it's NOT murder when they need it.

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Four more and you get a free sub!

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I’m saving my tickets for the giant stuffed fetus on the top shelf.

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That is dedication! Thank you for your service! 😁

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A former student of mine had a baby in September. It died shortly after birth, because the poor thing had no kidneys, and as a result, very underdeveloped lungs, and he also had an enlarged heart.

Baby basically smothered to death after birth.

I'm not saying she would have terminated her pregnancy, because she probably wouldn't have, but wouldn't it be nice if she'd have had a choice? Because now she's messed up in the head, and she keeps posting pics of her dead baby on social media. I asked her if she was getting counseling, and she said yes. And thank goodness.

If it were me, and it were still legal, I would have terminated as soon as we saw that there no kidneys.

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