Haley is a woman of color who (mildly) bashes Trump. She’s not going to take any maga votes from Trump. Trump has the wingnuts totally under his spell. He could literally sprout horns, hooves and a long, forked tail and he wouldn’t lose any followers. The evangelicals would simply convert.
Oh what an inspiring message she is running on- vote for me because both of my chief opponents are old farts who're gonna die before the election, anyway. What other choice do you even have?
I like Haley's "moderate" tone - "can't we all agree that we shouldn't murder women who have abortions"? Fuck you, Haley, you're just Trump in a skirt.
I'm glad Republicans are too stupid to nominate her. She probably COULD beat Biden, because most voters aren't educated enough to know that her policies are the same horrific policies of every other Repuke. "She seems nice, so I'll vote for her, since Biden is old and too woke!"
The irony, I think, is that post-Dobbs, it’s harder for Republicans to win as “compassionate conservatives” Bush style. All the jazz about nominating “strict constructionist” judges has been exposed as a life.
Since she's evidently too chickenshit to acknowledge that Trump is a rapist, she needs to go back to emphasizing how he's losing his marbles. That at least is a true line of attack, and it's guaranteed to make Trump lose even more of them.
No matter what she says or doesn't say, though, may she stay in the race for months. The longer she sticks around, the worse Trump will look, and the more visibly unhinged about it he will become.
How the Border Crisis Shattered Biden’s Immigration Hopes. A photo of our guy looking forlorn and alone accompanies the headline on my computer screen.
Now, with all the Republican shenanigans going on, this is the Times’ take on the immigration crisis? They ought to start hanging Trump 2024! banners from their office windows.
President Biden only needs to continue to show the country how the GOP is unwilling to act on The Border despite years of whining about nothing being done. I think the abortion ruling and him showing they're unwilling to act should be sufficient for him to destroy Trump and allow the Dems to take control of Congress next November. I don't think the Dems are against sensible Border policy and he's already winning on the Abortion issue.
It is shocking to me that a woman would fail to recognize that the abortion issue is what this election is going to be about. It was in 2022 and in nearly every special election since. It's like the GOP have selective amnesia. How do you think you're going to pivot on that issue, Nikki, after saying you'd sign a national abortion ban?
Also, pre-Dobbs, a Republican like Haley could affirm that she is anti-abortion but respects the opinions of those who think differently, yadda yadda, while stealthily restricting access and nominating judges who are hostile to abortion rights. It worked for Bush and Romney (he lost the election but did win many pro-choice suburban women).
Abortion access is now an actual very real issue for many voters, especially women. They won’t accept dodges about it. AND they expect politicians to actively protect their rights.
I really get very angry when Nikki tries the "we have to be compassionate" bullshit. Compassion includes letting a woman have an abortion if she wants one.
I disagree about the rally around trump because we're "out to get him". I think those people would have come home and voted for him anyway. I think Haley dinging him, on for instance mixing her up with Nancy Pelosi helps Biden. Anything that points out Trump's not being able to do the job gets to those people who don't pay attention, they are out there, and don't know who to vote for.
While the Dems are mostly cohesive, the GOP is one hot mess! But they seem like it's been that way for the last few decades. But they are running more extreme and they still lose elections. If you have the time, I recommend listening to Simon Rosenberg;s (Hopium Chronicles) interview with Ezra Klein. It's an hour and 11 minutes but Simon discusses how Joe Biden will win yet again. There's also a good interview from Stephen Colbert last night with DNC Chair Jaime Harrison about how Nikki Haley messed up S. Carolina and President Biden beating Haley and Trump. Make sure you VOTE! Well worth watching here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR-4d-Qj8SU
If Trump is out of the race but otherwise alive on this earth in November no other republican can or will win the general election and probably also not even if he were dead.
I cannot believe that Hugh Hewitt requires nutrition. Look at him. Is he flesh and blood, or is he made of ectoplasm? Or does he require blood? Who wants to get close enough to find out?!?
"America can do better than Donald Trump and Joe Biden.” apparently not ...
Haley is a woman of color who (mildly) bashes Trump. She’s not going to take any maga votes from Trump. Trump has the wingnuts totally under his spell. He could literally sprout horns, hooves and a long, forked tail and he wouldn’t lose any followers. The evangelicals would simply convert.
Haley is not an idiot, but she plays one on TV. Republicans will not vote for her because (1) female (ew! icky!) and (2) not white enough.
Edited to add: Dobbs killed any chance of her winning, and she has said with her own lying, filthy mouth that she would pardon Trump.
"Her point, while rational,"
And that's the problem right there, the FARQMAGA base don't care about rational. They only care about what they want to see and hear.
Oh what an inspiring message she is running on- vote for me because both of my chief opponents are old farts who're gonna die before the election, anyway. What other choice do you even have?
I like Haley's "moderate" tone - "can't we all agree that we shouldn't murder women who have abortions"? Fuck you, Haley, you're just Trump in a skirt.
I'm glad Republicans are too stupid to nominate her. She probably COULD beat Biden, because most voters aren't educated enough to know that her policies are the same horrific policies of every other Repuke. "She seems nice, so I'll vote for her, since Biden is old and too woke!"
The irony, I think, is that post-Dobbs, it’s harder for Republicans to win as “compassionate conservatives” Bush style. All the jazz about nominating “strict constructionist” judges has been exposed as a life.
Since she's evidently too chickenshit to acknowledge that Trump is a rapist, she needs to go back to emphasizing how he's losing his marbles. That at least is a true line of attack, and it's guaranteed to make Trump lose even more of them.
No matter what she says or doesn't say, though, may she stay in the race for months. The longer she sticks around, the worse Trump will look, and the more visibly unhinged about it he will become.
Plus, she would pardon the face eating leopard!
O.T. (Sorta). A NYT headline online:
How the Border Crisis Shattered Biden’s Immigration Hopes. A photo of our guy looking forlorn and alone accompanies the headline on my computer screen.
Now, with all the Republican shenanigans going on, this is the Times’ take on the immigration crisis? They ought to start hanging Trump 2024! banners from their office windows.
President Biden only needs to continue to show the country how the GOP is unwilling to act on The Border despite years of whining about nothing being done. I think the abortion ruling and him showing they're unwilling to act should be sufficient for him to destroy Trump and allow the Dems to take control of Congress next November. I don't think the Dems are against sensible Border policy and he's already winning on the Abortion issue.
Fuckin' Times!
“He can’t beat Joe Biden if he’s spending all his time and money on court cases and chaos.”
You say that like it's a bad thing.
My dad died at 52.
Um, Nikki...
It is shocking to me that a woman would fail to recognize that the abortion issue is what this election is going to be about. It was in 2022 and in nearly every special election since. It's like the GOP have selective amnesia. How do you think you're going to pivot on that issue, Nikki, after saying you'd sign a national abortion ban?
Also, pre-Dobbs, a Republican like Haley could affirm that she is anti-abortion but respects the opinions of those who think differently, yadda yadda, while stealthily restricting access and nominating judges who are hostile to abortion rights. It worked for Bush and Romney (he lost the election but did win many pro-choice suburban women).
Abortion access is now an actual very real issue for many voters, especially women. They won’t accept dodges about it. AND they expect politicians to actively protect their rights.
I really get very angry when Nikki tries the "we have to be compassionate" bullshit. Compassion includes letting a woman have an abortion if she wants one.
She knows what a loser abortion is for her. She's just desperately trying to distract and deflect from it, as politicians do.
I disagree about the rally around trump because we're "out to get him". I think those people would have come home and voted for him anyway. I think Haley dinging him, on for instance mixing her up with Nancy Pelosi helps Biden. Anything that points out Trump's not being able to do the job gets to those people who don't pay attention, they are out there, and don't know who to vote for.
While the Dems are mostly cohesive, the GOP is one hot mess! But they seem like it's been that way for the last few decades. But they are running more extreme and they still lose elections. If you have the time, I recommend listening to Simon Rosenberg;s (Hopium Chronicles) interview with Ezra Klein. It's an hour and 11 minutes but Simon discusses how Joe Biden will win yet again. There's also a good interview from Stephen Colbert last night with DNC Chair Jaime Harrison about how Nikki Haley messed up S. Carolina and President Biden beating Haley and Trump. Make sure you VOTE! Well worth watching here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR-4d-Qj8SU
Rosenberg/Klein discussing how Dems win: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/25/opinion/ezra-klein-podcast-simon-rosenberg.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Nikki Haley's biggest problem is that she has the personality of a rice waffle.
You misspelled twatwaffle
She seemed okay standing next to ramped up Ron and Ramasmarmy. But now....not so much.
I would like to see Ramasmarmy fade away, but that is SO unlikely.
I'm worried that we will be stuck with his stupid face for quite awhile.
Let's not forget, he has his own legal problems, and he doesn't have Trump's cachet, plus, he's not white.
If Trump is out of the race but otherwise alive on this earth in November no other republican can or will win the general election and probably also not even if he were dead.
In that pic up top, looks like Hugh Hewitt just swallowed a fly! Well, he's got to get some nutrition one way or another.
I cannot believe that Hugh Hewitt requires nutrition. Look at him. Is he flesh and blood, or is he made of ectoplasm? Or does he require blood? Who wants to get close enough to find out?!?