You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You’ve just crossed over into … the Wonkette Zone … I guess.
Today is Twilight Zone Day, according to various sites across the internet, none of which can tell me why today is Twilight Zone Day. It’s not the day it premiered! Maybe it’s the day that the monsters were due on Maple Street? Who knows!
Anyway, I have a lot of trouble picking any particular favorite, but I do have one that I think is kind of underrated — “The Bewitchin’ Pool,” the last episode of the series to air. People hate it, and there’s a lot that’s wrong with it, technically, in terms of some last minute dubbing that had to happen, but I’ve just always kind of dug it. It has a certain Night of the Hunter energy that I am just very into.
If you haven’t seen it — long story short, these kids have asshole parents and then one day some Huckleberry Finn-looking kid pops up in their swimming pool and is like “Come with me to Aunt T’s!” and they go down through their swimming pool to a magical hillbilly land where they hang out with nice Aunt T and Huckleberry Finn and frost cakes and what have you. But then the sister convinces her brother to go back to their parents, promising him that everything will be really great. Alas, the parents announce their impending divorce and the kids decide to go back to Aunt T’s forever.
(Sorry, the longest clip I could find is one where they bleep out certain words to make it sound dirty.)
I don’t know, it’s just very much not what you’d expect. You’d expect the parents to learn a lesson after the kids come back, for Aunt T to be secretly evil, something like that. But no, the kids literally just cut and run away to magic hillbilly land forever and it is presented as a positive life choice for them, and that is just not the kind of thing you see every day.
So what’s your favorite/most underrated/most overrated/whatever episode, hm?
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Open Thread Chat Caturday!! May 11. When the cat is embarrassed by your dancing but doesn't want to say anything.
My aurora photo from last night. Colors are more vivid in the picture.