"Look what you made me do." Classic terrorist line.

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Children of alcoholic parents and families of abusers definitely recognize this line. AKA, it's not my fault you fell into my fists. It's yours because of what you did.

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This sort of character can be found in religion too. God cannot be wrong or bad, any attempts that seek to show him to be so are all evil and lies. God cannot even be blamed for all the shit that happens to everyone even though he's supposed to be behind everything and has the ability and knowledge to make everything as he sees fit. It's always people to be blamed, not God.

Same abuser's logic being trotted out here, "it's not OUR fault, it can NEVER be our fault so it must be someone else's fault we don't care who as long as it's not our fault."

Switch out "our" for "God" and you get the exact same lines.

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I have a dream of an oppositional party that does not revert to the abuser's excuse to explain every failure in their lives.

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"look what you made me do!" isn't the compelling argument they think it is.

i suspect this excuse comes up in other parts of their lives as well.

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Trump accomplished two amazing feats that I would have thought impossible before. One, he made Mitt Romney sound like a principled man who stands by convictions instead of just telling every audience what he thought they wanted to hear.

And two, he managed to make John “Yosemite Sam” Bolton sound like the voice of reason. Jeebus help us.

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The Moustache is probably still in a twist about not going after Iran.

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Mitt Romney is sleazy in his own way but he isn't a narcissistic trainwreck like PAB.

Ann Romney, however...

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A final thought on this--the Republicans who most strongly boosted Trump HATED Mitt and his ilk well before Mitt started attacking Trump. They saw the Romneys (and McCains) of the world as "weak" and "establishment" and they boosted Trump's "strength" not because Mitt was treated so "unfairly" by Obama, but because Romney was not hitting OBAMA hard enough.

So if you want to draw any lesson for how the GOP went from Romney to Trump, it had nothing to do with what "Democrats" did in that race, it had to do with what MAGAs took to be "Romney not being mean enough towards Obama and not wanting to make that same mistake again".

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Pretty similar to the arguments I hear about reagan's historical reckoning...we're being mean to the gipper, revenge, blah.

"...not traditional capitalism," says newt. Sure, bud.

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Who the fuck is Noah Blum? Don't you love it when right-wing assholes make broad statements about something like it is fact? Not only that but wag their fingers at us and tell us we better deal with the reality of what they're saying. Well, Noah, we don't give a fuck what you say, and we are amused that you think we do or are going to take your patronizing advice.

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What an intelligently written column! You get right to the point. The rightwingers have been trying to pin Trump on us since the escalator hate speech announcing his candidacy. Trump is the end result of a party that’s been about grievance and lies and demonizing since the days of Nixon and that awful Ronnie Raygun. Don’t pin that shit on liberals.

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...and it's hilarious that their penchant for projection has led them to now project their terrible choice of Turnip, the consensus Worst President in Modern History, on the Dems!

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"You forced us to vote for the worst presidential candidate in history, that means you're not fit to serve, so we have no choice but to vote for the worst presidential candidate in history again.

"And it's all your fault."

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Arghh! You and your Coastal Elite sophistry! You ain't gonna confuse me with yer fancy pants logic, d'ya hear?

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The Republicans will never, ever take responsibility for anything. They need to be voted into oblivion.

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...but....but...aren't they The Party of Personal Responsibility(tm)?

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GOP loves to frame everything as either "Well liberals do it/would do it too!" or "Well liberals MADE us do it!"

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Oh FFS of course Republicans "long for someone strong". People aren't buying what they're selling, so force is the only option left.

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Also, conservatives as a rule don't do well with ambiguity, so they prefer a strong father figure to tell them in simple terms what is right and wrong. And they will blindly follow that person.

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Apparently everybody thinks Mitt is dead, same as John McCain and MLK, of whom no ill is spoken, we all love the dead people, who, suitably edited, don't cause no trouble.

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Lol! Politics is rough. Campaigns are ruthless. Fucking crybabies can own Trump all on their own. He’s not anyone’s doing aside from the party he represents. He’s not our monster. He’s theirs.

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Yep! I like to remind them "You built this!"

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“He’s not our asshole.”

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Fuck that noise, six million more Americans said NO than said yes to the trump shitbucket. Bad treatment of Mitt Fucking Rmoney? Come the fuck on.

Own it, losers.

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