Normal Minnesotans Oddly Unreceptive To Random Weirdass QAnon Mailings
You idiot! You were supposed to be redpilled, not repelled.
Some dipshit in Minnesota is mailing out packets of photos of QAnon memes to normies in the Minneapolis area, seemingly at random. But instead of leading the recipients to realize that the world is secretly run by a cabal of cannibal pedophiles, the mailings have mostly just left folks squicked out, as the Intercept reports . On Monday, a fellow in the Minneapolis suburb of St. Louis Park found an envelope filled with 15 color glossy photographs of hard-hitting Q memes (albeit without any circles or arrows or a paragraph on the back of each one explainin' what each one was). One was about adrenochrome, the made-up pedo cannibal drug supposedly extracted from murdered children. And another
was ahandwritten list of conspiracy-driven YouTube channels, including X22 Report and Alice Down the Rabbit Hole.
"The Battle Between Good and [EVIL]," read a third image. "Where to start is the Question?"
The fellow, Luke Healy, got on Nextdoor, the social media app, to ask if anyone else had received the weirdass photos, and yes, several people had.
In a post titled "Creepy photos in the mail," he noted the expense involved in the apparent prank. The photos were printed on premium digital paper, and the envelope bore three stamps. "At least they're supporting the USPS," he joked.
We like this guy.
Mind you, whoever the QAnon advocate was, their methods seem ... unsound. In fact, we don't see any method at all.
Instead of using well-framed screenshots, the person had printed images that looked like they were hastily photographed from a computer screen. In one instance, the screen was shot at an odd angle. In others, the red video progress bar appeared at the bottom of the frame, as if the sender had snapped the photos on a phone while watching YouTube, then dashed off to CVS to print them up. Adherents of QAnon often pride themselves on being " digital soldiers ," but here was the internet crossing over into snail mail.
If the QLooney sending the memes ever surfaces, they'll probably explain why they didn't simply send printouts of a screencap; we imagine it's something way more interesting than just "I never heard of Ctrl-Print SysRq." Maybe they read somewhere that screenshots can be traced, but photos of a computer screen can't? If it turns out the list of YouTube channels was written by the sender, that's particularly circular, because that means they wrote out a list, scanned or photographed it to put on their computer, and then took a photo of the screen so it could be converted back into an analog printout.
Maybe the sender is a conceptual artist and not a conspiracy theorist at all.
Here's a sample of the images Healy gave the Intercept's Mara Hvistendahl. Thankfully, they're too small to read well, because we fear the Truth.

The contents of the packets varied from recipient to recipient. Some of the other color glossy photographs depicted memes calling the coronavirus pandemic a hoax, as well as memes attacking Black Lives Matter, like this really edgy meme that pretty much destroys the American Left for all time:
an image of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton that read, "CALLING THESE TWO GUYS 'REVEREND' IS LIKE CALLING DOGSHIT TOOTSIE ROLLS."
Jared Holt of Right Wing Watch told Hvistendahl that based on just how obscure some of the channels in the YouTube list are, he suspects the sender is a true believer who's been down the rabbit hole long enough to be well-smeared with hraka .
"It's hard to understand what the sender hoped to accomplish, but it's clear that whoever is sending the mail is severely escalating in their radicalization," he added.
Whatever the Qultist may be trying to communicate (beyond Help I Don't Know What I Am Doing With My Devices or My Life ), it's not exactly taking place in a vacuum. As the Republican Party casts off its remaining moorings to reality, Hvistendahl notes,
Minnesota has six GOP state legislature candidates on the ballot in November who have supported QAnon – including one in Healy's district. Until recently Melissa Moore, a Republican running for the state House seat in the district, maintained a Twitter account where she described herself as a #DigitalSoldier. She recently told the Associated Press that QAnon is "an exciting movement that opens our minds to different possibilities of what's going on, of what's really happening in our world today."
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a lame WWG1WGA meme popping up in your face — forever.
Some of the recipients wondered if perhaps they'd been targeted to receive the QRap because they had Black Lives Matter or other progressive signs in their yards, but "adjacent neighbors with similar lawn signs had not received anything" similar, at least not as of the time the Intercept story went up yesterday. After the story ran, however, Hvistendahl retweeted another Minnesotan who'd received the mailing, and seemed a tad relieved she wasn't the only recipient.
Looks like I’m not the only one... Mysterious QAnon conspiracy theory mailings spook Minneapolis suburbs… https: //
— Emily Myatt (@Emily Myatt) 1600896668.0
Ms. Myatt appears to have received a special typewritten note in her packet of photos, reading
Walk in all the ways that the Lord your God
has commanded you, so that you may live &
prosper & prolong your days in the land
that you will possess. Deuteronomy 5: 33
There is no place like home. Dorothy.
That's on some paper with a printout of the Ruby Slippers, as only makes sense. Below that, a handwritten note says, "Do you know Jesus? We're going home soon, RU ready?" followed by a messy unreadable signature.
Nothing creepy there! Wonder what color sneakers and sweatsuit this person has.
One person who received a packet of photos said she had called the Minneapolis field office of the FBI, seeing as how the FBI has said QAnon could be a potentially dangerous terrorist cult, but she said the person she spoke to just took her information and said to call back "if she felt directly threatened."
She said she was a little worried — not that she was being watched or anything, but because these handmade packets are "pretty creepy. It's not just a random political campaign pamphlet that's coming in our mail."
Man, your local weirdo takes the time to send you a semi-personalized pile of crazy conspiracy shit, and you reject that artisanal effort because you'd be more comfortable with conventional politics? WAKE UP SHEEPLE THE TIME OF PURIFICATION IS AT HAND, HAVE A NICE DAY SURRENDER DOROTHY.
[ Intercept ]
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Do your Amazon shopping through this link, because reasons .
An artisanal industry for a "semi-personalized,,, crazy conspiracy shirt"? That's Fox News!
That article is some right pretty Ree-torical Doctorin', I reckon.