Pat Cotham used to be a fairly unobjectionable member of local government, and for all I know she still is, but I don’t trust anything out of the mouth of someone who birthed that alien shitstain Tricia Cotham. Apparently she’s had death threats and someone slashed her tires, and when I learned that all I could do was congratulate myself for not being the person who did either of those things.
Obviously the Democratic apparatus should have vetted her a lot more closely, but... how the fuck can this be legal??? This is an absolute bait and switch. If my $2.99 Target purchase turns out to be the wrong colour when I open the box, Target has to take it back and give me the colour I wanted. It's very clear in consumer law that bait and switch is illegal.
But this lowlife can change Parties and vote for policies that are THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what she promised voters, and it's all good? WHAT THE ACTUAL AND ENTIRE FUCK????
The bigger issue is, why does the party you belong to determine exactly how you vote? She could still vote exactly the same on everything but remained a Dem (in name only, obviously). At least now we know that it was not a one-time vote on her part, on some bill that she had a difference of opinion with the party about. Now we know it's going to be EVERYTHING.
[ETA: However, I DO think the Dem party should be able to sue her for any money they supported her with, for misrepresentation. Someone could claim they "evolved" in their thinking, but I'm sorry, not after what, one month? two months?]
What the fuck is wrong with Democratic leadership? This and they had to depend on post-election NYT reporting to find out what a fucking sham Kitara Rivach is and Kyrsten Sinema on top of that? Don't even get me started on Dick Durbin acting like it's 1950 and everyone is singing fucking Kumbaya with John Birch and the previous McCarthy... Vet like it's 2023 motherfuckers!
Dems are not blameless when they've been dealing with this shit from Rethugs for 30 years. (I say this as a lifelong Dem who will continue to vote Dem, but if we refuse to acknowledge what's happening we are no more forward thinking than your garden-variety Rethug).
There was never any doubt in my mind. Although the primary motto of the Republicans is: Power, Party, and Pelf, the secondary one is: If you can't beat them honestly, CHEAT.
She can do a lot of damage in the time left to her next election. then she can Sinemanchin and turn into a lobbyist after she fucks the next candidate.
The Democratic Party does not support people in primaries unless there is an incumbent because of the importance of small-d democracy.
Stealth toxic operations work because they are amplified with $$$$.
Remember that in 2016 an achievement-free grifter managed to convince progressives that Hillary Clinton was not to be trusted because of - unfuckingbelievably - her lack of commitment to universal health care. That is pure Rove. And it elected Trump.
The Democratic Party has no power over voter's knowledge base. I have been to party meetings. It is a bunch of people in comfortable shoes sounding alot like this comments section, only more tired. I suspect we will find, eventually, that some opposition memo went out to the Charlotte press which yawned, as with that asshole George in NY.
Well, she's got 2 years to live it up in GQPville......then out on your nasty ass bitch.......
Hey what does it mean to subscribe here on the new Wonkstack?
Pat Cotham used to be a fairly unobjectionable member of local government, and for all I know she still is, but I don’t trust anything out of the mouth of someone who birthed that alien shitstain Tricia Cotham. Apparently she’s had death threats and someone slashed her tires, and when I learned that all I could do was congratulate myself for not being the person who did either of those things.
Obviously the Democratic apparatus should have vetted her a lot more closely, but... how the fuck can this be legal??? This is an absolute bait and switch. If my $2.99 Target purchase turns out to be the wrong colour when I open the box, Target has to take it back and give me the colour I wanted. It's very clear in consumer law that bait and switch is illegal.
But this lowlife can change Parties and vote for policies that are THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what she promised voters, and it's all good? WHAT THE ACTUAL AND ENTIRE FUCK????
Jesus FUCK America is broken.
Ta, Stephen. Cotham's a traitorous POS.
I'm moving to Mecklenburg County soon, and I will DEFINITELY make time to canvass in her district.
Welcome! I’ve lived in Mecklenburg County most of my life, let’s have a coffee.
Yes, let's! I'm moving at the end of September. If you don't hear from me feel free to ping me. Here or on Spoutible. :-)
We need a law that will prevent people from switching parties while in office. It's bait-and-switch and its very worst.
The bigger issue is, why does the party you belong to determine exactly how you vote? She could still vote exactly the same on everything but remained a Dem (in name only, obviously). At least now we know that it was not a one-time vote on her part, on some bill that she had a difference of opinion with the party about. Now we know it's going to be EVERYTHING.
[ETA: However, I DO think the Dem party should be able to sue her for any money they supported her with, for misrepresentation. Someone could claim they "evolved" in their thinking, but I'm sorry, not after what, one month? two months?]
What the fuck is wrong with Democratic leadership? This and they had to depend on post-election NYT reporting to find out what a fucking sham Kitara Rivach is and Kyrsten Sinema on top of that? Don't even get me started on Dick Durbin acting like it's 1950 and everyone is singing fucking Kumbaya with John Birch and the previous McCarthy... Vet like it's 2023 motherfuckers!
Thank you for listening Wonkers...
While it’s tempting to blame Democrats, the fault lies with gender traitors like Tricia Cotham.
Dems are not blameless when they've been dealing with this shit from Rethugs for 30 years. (I say this as a lifelong Dem who will continue to vote Dem, but if we refuse to acknowledge what's happening we are no more forward thinking than your garden-variety Rethug).
George Santos would like a word. He appreciates Dems complacency.
Good old North Carolina, always neck and neck for the coveted title of "Worst Carolina".
There's a good one?
So, who are the democrats going to run against her in 2024? Sounds like she’s an easy target.
There was never any doubt in my mind. Although the primary motto of the Republicans is: Power, Party, and Pelf, the secondary one is: If you can't beat them honestly, CHEAT.
So, to review, ways for Republicans to win elections:
1) gerrymander the fuck out of the district
2) suppress the vote of demographics likely to vote against you
3) say you’re a Democrat
... almost like they’re a hopelessly unpopular bunch of venal, vicious assholes no constituency would actually elect on purpose.
Republican plant? So, a Triffid?
I hope she enjoys her single term as a turncoat Republican in a heavily-Democratic district.
She can do a lot of damage in the time left to her next election. then she can Sinemanchin and turn into a lobbyist after she fucks the next candidate.
I hope she enjoyed her 15 minutes. Because she’s not going to enjoy being road pizza.
The Democratic Party does not support people in primaries unless there is an incumbent because of the importance of small-d democracy.
Stealth toxic operations work because they are amplified with $$$$.
Remember that in 2016 an achievement-free grifter managed to convince progressives that Hillary Clinton was not to be trusted because of - unfuckingbelievably - her lack of commitment to universal health care. That is pure Rove. And it elected Trump.
The Democratic Party has no power over voter's knowledge base. I have been to party meetings. It is a bunch of people in comfortable shoes sounding alot like this comments section, only more tired. I suspect we will find, eventually, that some opposition memo went out to the Charlotte press which yawned, as with that asshole George in NY.