"Everything I know I learned at the knees of Uncle Clarence."

What an idiot. A fine Republican, thus.

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It's like a gunfight where he shoots his own foot, gets so mad he shoots the other foot, then demands he be declared the winner.

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“Your Honor, our client would like to request special considerations due to the fact that he is disabled.”

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“Stop looking at the emails I sent to everybody!!”

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Ta, Liz. Ginni Thomas might be the most dangerous woman in this country.

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was that the whole production from SCOTUS, two sentences?

Why would they even need to mention Thomas' lack of attention?

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To demonstrate their commitment to ethics, silly!

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Such as it is.

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There really is something so heartening about powerful people like Eastman, Giuliani and Trump being held accountable for breaking the law. It means our system still tries to work, and we haven’t traded justice and democracy for fascism. Imagine where America would be if Trump hadn’t left office after losing, used the military to barricade himself in the White House, and have Biden and democratic congressmen arrested. The country would have spun into chaos, with entire branches of government vying for control and federal, state and local police unsure who they are supposed to protect or arrest. Trump is a danger to all of us, his supporters perhaps most of all. Those closest to him, and those who listened to him on 1/6, are learning the hard way.

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Are you describing January 2025?

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But…he’s a highly respected scholar and constitutional law expert. Wha happen? Trumpism was an invitation to the cranks, the compromised and the corrupt to let their freak flag fly, and many of them hoped to replace the American flag with it.

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Oh, so this he recuses himself from?

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Tell me you're guilty without telling me you're guilty.

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N. Muntz phrases it with superb concision: "_HAH_, ha."

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I look forward to the California Bar putting the kibosh on Eastman for once and for all.

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How in the hell did Eastman even get a law degree? For Trump to have styled himself as a Mafia Don, he sure surrounded himself with the most inept people in the country. It's pretty comical.

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The last line of the Wikipedia article devoted to this all-thumbs crank is one of the Best Ever.

Please, Mr. Eastman, proceed.

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There's a thing this platform does, where I'm reading a non-comment, and suddenly it gets bumped into oblivion - probably from getting more likes, or falling behind as some other comment gets more likes - but it makes me a little nuts. Just as I'm almost to the...ope, it's gone.

Anyway, someone's non-comment that I didn't get to finish reading put me in mind of a thing. If Menendez can be held accountable for taking money to give favors, why can't Clarence Thomas? Just because the Supreme Court doesn't have rules, they're not above the law. He's a public servant. If someone can just prove that he took money - vacations, flights, whatever - and then ruled in favor of someone with business before the court, why can't that be proof enough of wrong-doing? If he was on a marijuana licensing board, it would be proof enough, I'm thinking. They just sentenced a former MI State House Speaker to 55 months for that. He's a public servant! There are rules for public servants.

I am sick of these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking Supreme Court.

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There's a setting you can change to get comments by "first", "latest" or "top" or similar descriptor which should change your experience. The only time I've had them disappear is if the poster deletes them while I'm reading.

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I do that routinely. They don't necessarily disappear totally, just from where I am reading them. Sometime they move up the queue, sometimes down. It's unpredictable.

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You must have your sort setting on "top" (sort by number of likes). The order when you sort by "first" or "latest" (chronological, either forward or backward) never changes.

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I think Justice Thomas actually is subject to criminal indictment by the DOJ for taking bribes. But the gravitational force against doing that is massive.

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What is a non- comment?

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Long-standing inside joke about wonkette not allowing comments on their articles, which is of course discussed at length in the comments wonkette has always allowed. So you’ll frequently encounter comments disavowing their very existence.

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Thank you for taking the time to enlighten me. Cheers!

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It is a reference to a stupid person who tried to sue Wonkette ages ago, and in one of the shrill letters said "This must be why you don't allow comments on your site!"

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I do sometimes miss Dear Shitferbrains

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I will assume this is the same person who enjoys canned clams!

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Just don't mention the canned clams.

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LOL! Promise.

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I can confirm Wonkette doesn’t allow comments. Wink wink. Before they switched from Disqus, I think I posted 5,000 comments since 2017. Wonkette saved my sanity after Hillary lost.

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Seeing PAB' red faced rants before leaving to Florida are priceless. It gives me a warm fuzzy to see him in such misery.


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Trump's a habitual liar. He's so obsessed with proving his greatness. It's sick, and sickening.

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Things are getting really bad for him. I can’t see anyone in his condition and age surviving this. His ruddy face and bloodshot eyes, raspy voice and confused rambling, combined with little sleep and Big Mac diet. He denies reality at every turn, but he can’t escape what’s coming eventually with his health.

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Even one criminal prosecution, even for a young healthy person, is a destructive level of stress.

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I'd rather see him in a jumpsuit that matches his makeup.

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And he's violating his gag order AGAIN! What an idiot.

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Who hires lawyers like Donnie does?

Even Walter White in "Breaking Bad" had Saul Goodman, who was a hard-hitting attorney who actually knew the law. Not just a criminal lawyer, but a CRIMINAL lawyer. I can't believe unto this day that Donnie has hired attorneys who got their degrees out of a box of Cracker Jacks. (That's an old reference, for you Youngs.) Even a bus-stop bench lawyer would tell him to plea it down, and hard. And to shut the fuck up (Law School 101: "Shut yer yapper."

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Michael Rappaport just totally nailed that last sentence in a video, which I've lost the link to. Over and over again, it was "Just shut the fuck up!"

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Close-cover-before -striking school of law. Yes we are accredited! (Another reference for olds.)

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"Draw Winky, and win a law school degree!" Another for the old.

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