Remember late last summer, when Michelle Obama thought it would be fun to take her daughters on a trip to Spain, and then America had a heart attack, because apparently a good First Lady would pretend to be poor as a courtesy to the rest of the country, which is actually poor? Well, great news! Our FLOTUS is about to embark upon her Summer Madness Tour once again, and this time, she’s skipping the Spanish mosques and heading to a continent that is still likely to offend Americans, somehow . Our FLOTUS is off to Africa!
Michelle Obama's African vacation is coming up at the end of this month, and she is probably busy planning all of her excursions. (Right now her itinerary reads: Pray in all the mosques they have, hand out Benjamins and celery sticks to all the African street children.)
Don't forget the sunscreen: It's summer travel time for the female members of the first family -- they're headed to southern Africa this month.
First lady Michelle Obama announced Friday she will visit Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa and Gaborone, Botswana on June 21-26, accompanied by daughters Malia and Sasha, and by her mother, Marian Robinson.
Grandma’s coming, so Michelle must mean business. Perhaps this is an effort to recruit future African-born, American presidents?
Obama's office said the trip will be a continuation of the first lady's effort to encourage young people at home and abroad, a traditional first-lady project which Obama has taken up with zeal. World travel also is traditional for first ladies: Obama has already picked up a slew of stamps in her passport, with visits to Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, India and Mexico, not to mention the glittering capitals of Europe. Obama hopes to underscore America's continuing interest in the success of African nations and strengthen historic connections between Americans and Africans.
What exactly is our FLOTUS “encouraging” young people to do? Will she be taking her new Vegetable Platter with her? Hopefully there will at least one fabulous safari. Our FLOTUS sure can wear that khaki. [ USA Today ]
Blair Burke ( obsessively follows Michelle Obama's every move for "The FLOTUS Files," which appears every Monday here at your Wonkette.
Obviously she's going to try to convince the Kenyans not to release Barry's real birth certificate as well as meeting with fellow Muslims and Socialists to plan on further taking over America. She'll also be lining up black lesbians the President will force our armed forces to gay-marry.
God made salt and pepper, and that's good enough for Real Americans™.