Today, we are all pretty pony princesses. Of course, that's true <i>every</i> day in Wonketteland.

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Poe's Law in action: Even the most ridiculous, over-the-top satire of buthurt wingnut ranting is indistinguishable from actual butthurt wingnut ranting. The only tell, really, was the source. Wonkette, like the Onion, needs to be approached with care.

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Xackly. Facebook should ban <b>all</b> user-generated content!

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Eeeesh! If Obama made a statement in favor of breathing, wingnuts would drop like flies.

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All I know is that if a little girl tells you to wear a tiara, or sit down and play tea party, if you value your sanity and eardrums <b>you put on the damn tiara and smile</b>.

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And given the Girl Scouts not-so-secret agenda to force abortions and gheyness (and probably those awful lemon cookies) on America, it's totally not surprising that Barry is their emperor. IMPEACH!!!

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This just oozes evil and socialism and fascism. IMPEACH!!!

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Would-be King surrounded by radical feminists, yes. But I would also point out the paramilitary nature of this organization of cookie-wielding future abortion-seekers.

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He was coerced and forced to wear a Tiara because of Samoas. Sweet, wonderful, decadent Samoas.

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I don't know where Iran stands on tiaras, but it will sure embolden the Vatican, which has the world's biggest collection of them. <a href="http://www.aloha.net/~mikes..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.aloha.net/~mikesch/claims.htm">http://www.aloha.net/~mikes...

(Incidentally, I looked for a photo of Francis wearing the tiara. There isn't one; he hasn't worn it. He has worn the bishop's mitre a couple of times, but mostly he sticks to the traditinal white silk yarmulke. Dude is, truly, a class act.)

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