Mighty slippery of Ross Douthat to try to sneak in the term "later-term abortions."

Up till now, I could not imagine anything like real-estate-speak, where "newer" means "not as new as new."

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a sincere concern for the burdens that pregnancy can place on women and a sincere disbelief in the full personhood of embryonic human life

this fucking guy can't even explain the sincere beliefs of the pro choice side. What about ya know, the LIFE of women and body autonomy you fucking douche? Burdens of pregnancy. Way to down play that. Personhood of embryonic human life.

Jesus fuck

Douchehat. Name well earned.

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I have been traveling all day and have not had time to read the comments to know if this point has already been made. And that point is:

Chunky Reese Witherspoon.

Good night, everyone.

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Pro-lifers then to be pro-capital punishment. I don't know how one can be for one and against the other, but there you are.

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How is life at first breath radical? It's in the Bible.

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Because they point to one verse (that most scholars will agree is only applicable to the one person it's referring to) of Gawd saying, "I knew you in the womb." Therefore, they say, you have a soul at the point of conception and therefore you're a real little boy (or girl) as soon as that happens.

Now, if you're like me and don't particularly buy into the idea of souls, or if you're not someone who reaches for any justification for your particular belief that you can find, that argument falls apart PDQ.

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PDQ Bach, on the other hand, never falls apart.

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A fetus is not a child so how would you include them in childhood deaths? What about miscarriages? This is not intended to be an argument, obviously, just typical liberal shaming.

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It really makes no fucking sense.

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How dare you not think they sincerely revere all life, what with them wanting to *checks notes* support the death penalty, bomb all the "bad guys" shoot all the l'otters and never ever ever pay for a child's lunch?

This fucking guy

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Silly me. Here I thought that the complete humanity of developing embryos was what was being argued about, not just assumed as self evident.

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Pro-forced birth crowd, much like Douchehat, likes to pretend that is what it is about.

It isn't, at least not from their view. That is their human shield to hide behind, it has to be. Otherwise, they would be utter hypocrites, what with their love of "life" yet willingness to take it so readily and unwillingness to feed it post-womb.

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Haven't read yet, promise I will...

That pic doh. Have you ever noticed that with most photos, even of yourself, if you cover the left half, your face is doing something entire line different on the right? Like it's a mash up of two different pictures. Try it, super interesting.

Now look at Ross. Cover up the left 2/3 of his face. The right 1/3, just in front of his ear to the back of his head, looks like a profile shot. WTF? Is he wearing a Ross Dipshit mask on the left side of his FACE?

It would be irresponsible not to speculate. Okay, Imma read now.

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I have never seen a picture of Ross Douthat until now. I've seen lots of references to him in Wonkette articles and comments, but never an actual pic. (I've led a sheltered life.)

A Mission Impossible-style face mask of Ross Douthat would be a safe, 100% effective birth control method for men.

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I have yet to encounter a "sincere pro-lifer" who will argue their position in good faith. And that goes for Ross Douche-hat, whose entire premise here is arguing against a strawman.


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According to Ross, woman's body is simply a 'location' where the fetus exists. He feels that its rights or 'personhood' should not be dependant on its 'location'. This notion that a pregnant woman is no longer a proper person, but rather an incubator, runs so deep with these people that it really is impossible to reach them with logic or basic decency. The only real solution is to make sure that they are never in a position to impose their sick world view on anyone else.

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Do this

Don't Douthat

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He looks like he could be JD's halfwit brother.

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JD looks like he could be JD's halfwit brother.

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Fuck the New York Times. (A useful, all-inclusive fuck you.)

But maybe we shouldn't criticize "disingenuous" *too* much. I mean, it's all the right wing has.

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Douche-hat says what now?

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Like everything else Nazis say (including “nice” Nazis like Douthat), “Democrats support aborting healthy viable fetuses for no good reason” is a lie. Since the Times sees fit to publish Nazi lies, the suggestion that the Times is run by Nazi sympathizers seems more credible every day.

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If men could have abortions, they'd be wearing t-shirts telling you how many they had, how late they were and the football team they follow has the most in history.

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As Selina Meyer (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) said on Veep: "If men got pregnant, you could get an abortion at an ATM. Let's just state the obvious."

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yeah but that's different, they're men!

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