This is THE source for everyday news on abortion.


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Yes one of my few paid subscriptions, and damn well worth it.

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“Oh, we are all very sure it does. He cares so much about children…”

So much so that he has also sponsored many bills to reach out with government assistance to families in need to help keep their children fed, clothed, and housed. He said he was inspired by similar efforts by Joe Manchin. *spits*

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A woman went on with her day? How on earth is this allowed?


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Ta, Robyn. You do great work.

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"“media has mischaracterized my interest as hostile toward women.” [...] “Nothing could be further from the truth. My heart breaks for the killing of children,” he explained."


Everyone mischaracterizes my food preferences as being hostile to onions. Nothing could be further from the truth. I love baloney and velveeta on wonderbread.

...As long as we're explaining things with a complete non sequitur.

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Abortions do not kill children. They terminate pregnancies before the stage of viability.

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I'm aware of that.

Leroy Billy Joe Bob Bob Cletus, who the article cited, thinks abortions are "the killing of children"*; I do not.

I cut and pasted his comment so that it was clear what I was referring to in *my* comment.

I was quoting his opinion -- which is why I put it in quotation marks -- not endorsing it. The last sentence of my comment, which labeled his statement as a "complete non sequitur", made it clear that I was ridiculing this misogynistic troglodyte and his garbage opinion.

*Yes, I realize that even HE probably doesn't genuinely believe that, and is trying to rile up his base with a cheap emotional appeal.

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"My heart breaks for the killing of children,” Narrator; "No actual children have been killed by abortion. Ever."

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And no woman who wasn't pregnant has ever had an abortion, so anti-abortion folk should be gung-ho about making sure that contraceptives are easily available and that people are taught to use them correctly. Odd how that isn't the case, huh? It's almost as if Repubs are more interested in controlling women in every way possible.

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Translation: "My heart breaks because I got blowback from potential voters"

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And cause the 14-year ol' gal ah was with would nawt give me a hummer, ah had to have sex with her and she is now with child. But as I am a US congressman, ah kin get Speaker Johnson to have him take care of thet for me...

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The only question in the mifepristone case is which 17th century witch finder will Alito quote in his opinion this time.

The Ohio case is some serious bullshit. Miscarriages happen on the toilet all the time.

Kellyanne Conway teaching republicans to offer alternative facts about their position on contraception is definitely on brand for her.

Who is surprised the anti-abortion group stiffed women? (Crickets)

It would be so beautiful if Florida was the next state for a pro-choice ballot initiative to pass. But, it’s Florida, so republicans will figure out a way to sabotage it when (not if) they lose.

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They have been trying to up the ballot standard number again (they upped it to 60% after we passed the felon re-enfranchisement voting amendment.) Now they want 66 percent because that is where they think the cut-off is.

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Some — scratch — MOST Republicans would be candidates for retroactive abortion.

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The world would certainly be better if every one of them had been aborted….

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"First of all, what was she supposed to do? Call 911?"

Yes? She had a miscarriage, she should absolutely have called 911. How is this even a question? She should have gotten medical care, and ensured that biohazardous waste was disposed of properly.

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JFC. What a miserable excuse for a troll you are.

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She did get medical care. Do you want to pay the ambulance bill? Most people don't have a few grand lying around.

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I think toilets qualify as “proper disposal” for biohazards produced by the body. Geez, it’s not like she has a Level-4 lab in her womb.

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Yeah, no kidding. A fetus isn’t going to contain more infectious microorganisms than human feces.

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I hope this was sarcasm.

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It wasn't.

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I miscarried a very much wanted pregnancy while sitting on the toilet. Like the woman in Ohio, I knew it was coming, as I learned the fetus had no heartbeat days earlier. It never crossed my mind to fish the product of my miscarriage out of the toilet; I just reached back and flushed. I did not call 911; I saw my doctor in her office the next day. I don't think miscarrying on the toilet is that unusual, as I know a couple of other women who experienced the same thing. They flushed too. None of us ever imagined being charged with a crime. Of course this was in 2008, before lunatics like this prosecutor felt they had free reign to do whatever they want.

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I miscarried on the toilet too - a lot earlier than 22 weeks thankfully . It's incredibly common but not discussed. Painful, awful, traumatic. I flushed too because what else do you do? That poor woman needs compassion not prosecution. Thank f*ck the pathologist could prove that the foetus was dead so they can't attempt murder charges because they absolutely would. I assume these ghouls feel that this loathsome behaviour makes them more electable? I'm glad I live in a country where my female children can get reproductive healthcare should they need it.

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Way to judge a woman who delivered an already-dead fetus at her home.

Should she have sought medical advice? Arguably, yes - for her own sake. But WTF?!?! Would you have been okay if she scooped it out of her toilet and incinerated it, which is what happens to biowaste? What if calling 911 led to medical bills that she and her family could not afford - for a DEAD FETUS?

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obviously this never happened to you. Your state of mind would be in confusion.

This case is being brought by a man who could never know.

men should be out of the decision making. this is a woman only thing. Unless you would want to have women be in charge of Viagra and vasectomies. I say no anesthesia for vasectomies, let them understand what they are really doing. Viagra should cost 1000 a pill and the profit support free lunch for children.

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More people die from take by Tylenol than mifepristone, both as an overdose and from chronic overuse causing liver failure. In fact I would bet that more people die from unqualified doctors doing botox or collagen injections in their office in a month than women have had even a non-fatal incident from the abortion pill combo since forever. Maybe Tylenol should be prescription only and be taken only in the presence of a physician. Just in case. And all cosmetic and dental surgery should be done only in a hospital or ambulatory surgery clinic. Just to be safe. Because dental surgery has resulted in deaths too.

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Not just Tylenol. I'd love to see the shit storm of aged wrinkled white dude rage when we told them they had to visit a doctor 3 times to get boner pills.

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Jesus jumped-up Christ in a sidecar, where does it say in the Constitution that citizens' rights are subject to review and revocation by the voters? What part of "rights" is unclear?

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That story about the woman who miscarried is terrifying. Yeah, what was she supposed to do? I'm sure she was horrified. The DA in this case is an awful human being.

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Unfortunately if she died or suffered permanent injuries she cannot sue the state since they do have immunity for any official acts, regardless of how horrible and medically negligent those decisions are. Just as Trump cannot be sued for the 200,000 unnecessary Covid deaths due to his clearly incompetent and negligent handling of the epidemic.

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Did they have Mifepristone in the 1300s? No? Well than screw you ladies, this drug is far to new to be in your delicate hands. Signed Samuel Alito.

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put it on the shelf next to viagra and penicillin.

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Everything I want to say is prohibited by the Godddamm commenting rules

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Same here. It sucks.

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Don't forget TX, where the state's highest court stopped Ms. Cox from having the necessary abortion so she wouldn't DIE or become infertile. And then they were content to just sit there. At least she had the means to leave the state.

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Because they love babies so much they would rather a woman have to watch her infant die and lose her chance of having more children. Grrrr.

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Not to mention she already has two children that could have been left without their mother if things went (even more) wrong.

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