Iirc, it wasn't just 'Federal lawsuits and an eventual bipartisan compromise' that led to the current maps. It was rethuglicans sticking fingers in their ears and going La la la we can't hear you when ordered to fix their heavily buggered maps until the clock ran out and they decided it would be too last minute to try and fix anything. After all, the fix was already in - for them.

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Dooooo eeeeeet Ohio! Gerrymandering should be federally outlawed, too.

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Ta, Dok. The voters are supposed to choose who represents them. The politicians are not supposed to be able to choose their voters.

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Hmmm . . . no one told me there would be a new initiative on the ballot.

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Maybe NC can use this as a blueprint.

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Probably be a good idea to prohibit redistricting not immediately following a census. I'm still pretty raw about Tom DeLay helpinng push through that Perrymander of Texas back in the noughties. Carved Austin up into bits (and used Homeland Security to track down the Killer D's)

Bit unsure about how to allow it to correct ridiculous partisan gerrymandering, though.

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Thanks for mentioning the previous attempt to undo gerrymandering in Ohio. We already passed a constitutional amendment to this effect just a few years ago. But unlike the effort in Michigan, it was just “Do the right thing, legislature” and the legislature did not do the right thing. The state Supreme Court repeatedly told them their maps were unconstitutional, but they simply ignored it. “Federal lawsuits and an eventual bipartisan compromise led to the current maps” is a bit misleading, though. The republican legislature went to a friendly federal court to try to overrule the Ohio Supreme Court. (States rights!) The federal court - like so many fucked up right wing fascist enabling courts these days - declined to help them out by ruling that the Ohio Supreme Court was wrong as it clearly was not. Instead, it played a Trump, and dragged out the proceedings until there was no longer time to redraw the districts. The only bipartisan “compromise” was to let the existing gerrymandered districts remain so as to at least have some kind of election. So, as bad as this accurate reporting makes it sound, the real situation is even worse. Personally, I think the proposed commission is an improvement, but probably still not good enough. Hopefully we’ll find out.

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Ah, I should've scrolled before posting. Your explanation is a lot clearer on the details than mine.

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I don't understand the fuss with foxes guarding the hen house.

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Gerrymandering, Citizen's United, and Föx and corporate media friends.

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These days computers could draw districts with the shortest possible boundaries. That preclude partisan fuckery but would also prevent majority-minority districts.

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Districts drawn up without reference to or interference from partisan politics is such a stunningly obvious NECESSITY that it should be in the Constitution, plus a robust scheme to enforce it.

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I don't disagree, but 25 of the 55 delegates who participated in the Constitutional Convention were slave owners. This means an astonishing percentage of the people we are essentially required to revere were just the worst specimens humanity has ever barfed up. It's 2024. Let's fling these white supremacist losers into the trash heap of history where they belong. Let's agree that the "Founders" had exactly the same percentage of violent, immoral assholes as the general population has always had.

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Thank you Dok for pointing out that Ohio voters already voted to remove gerrymandering years ago, but the goddamn GOP state lege went against the will of the voters. Why these voters keep bringing GOP lege back is beyond me, but I believe we will prevail.

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EVERYONE needs to check their voter status.

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Polling lower than Dan 'Potatoe' Quayle is quite a trick. Good job, JD!

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Be sure to check your voting status immediately, Ohio!

Ohio inactive voters will be dropped off voting rolls on July 22 | News | hometownstations.com


> OHIO (WLIO) - The Ohio Secretary of State's Office says there are over 150,000 voters that will be dropped off voting rolls across the state next week unless voters act

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Motherfucking ratfuckers can go to Hell to the power of fuck those shitheads!

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Does this mean that we’ll finally have to stop listening to walking pustule Jordan cuz he’ll be voted out? God I hope so.

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He'll just move to Fox News or wherever and even though you may not watch Fox News, you will hear about the stupid shit that he says ad nauseum and forever.

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In the words of the great Bill the Cat:


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Also too "Barf!"

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