I am just going to brag a little here, as a high school sped case manager the graduation rate for my case load has been about 80-90% (about 8-12 kids a year) for the kids I serve with SLD, ADD, ASD, ODD, ED, and some other nifty disabilities. Nice to know I have been doing SOMEthing right.

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Ok so turns out it's the wrestling queen and not the heavy pedo vibes Texan to run edu. I guess that a relief? This is what these insane noms do to us.

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fucker looks like a boiled egg

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The Dept. of Ed. was created in 1979 or 1980. In 1981, Reagan et al. began pushing neoliberal economic policies, which over the past 43 years have funneled $50 TRILLION UPWARD, to the already wealthy, such that by 2020 anyone earning $72K or less was earning only 61% of what they would have been earning had the econ. policies of 1945-80 been kept in place. (Please see then-new RAND stats in Robert Reich's 11-14-20 column in The Guardian.)

About 60% of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. About half of all Americans can't cope with a $400 emergency. Maybe the widespread anxiety and rage this has created has something to do with the decline that Mr. OK Supt. speaks of -- not the Dept. of Ed.

"Hi, I'm the biggest know-nothing for miles around -- and I'm in charge of education for millions of kids in my super-backwards, underperforming state."

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boy, won't they be surprised when they crash the economy with their greed. again.

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They always are, shocked, shocked./captainrenault

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So i did hear that right... I cannot fucking even.

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Please tell me that this guy has not been nominated to the Secretary of Education

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I expect Trump to name Ryan as his Sect. of Education. All of those Trump bibles that he tried to get Oklahoma to buy.

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Looks like you uncovered his strategery.

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The only god I support my elected officials worshipping is the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

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Remember when his noodely goodness gave us marinara in the wilderness?

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Ryan Walters has never read the Constitution of the United States. If he has, he didn't understand it. Oh, how I loathe all this Dominionist Xtian trash. He thinks he's a Special Boy because Jesus. I think a piece of shit has more integrity, humanity, and brainpower.

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We really need a new abbreviation for Oklahoma. This guy is certainly not OK.

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"Oklahoma is OK"

I thought "OK" was pronounced "OCK."

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He is most definitely not one of our more beloved sons.

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Eeewww, gross!

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I swear there is just an unlicensed shop somewhere just 3D printing these punchable faced failsons.

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WHAT a gayfaced pedophile.

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That's just what it is, I'm sorry

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He has dead eyes.

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I have a particular hate for Walters, given that he said some horrible things about trans students both before Nex died and in the immediate aftermath. He even backed up the state legislator who said that anything and everything trans-related was "garbage" and we needed to eliminate all mentions of transness from schools, not "including" but ESPECIALLY kids talking about themselves as trans.

Anti-trans hatred has existed for a long time, and it was in Oklahoma schools before Walters was born, but he's been using his power over schools to reconstruct and reinforce barriers to trans students' humanity and full participation as if kids participating in school is somehow bad.

Fuck him today. Fuck him tomorrrah. Fuck him forevah.

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I imagine a goofy little animatronic George Wallace for that last line. ;-)

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Wouldn't want that reference to be wasted.

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For the youngers, at least!

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He's pure evil. I have to stop now or I will say something I oughtn't.

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His goal seems to be "purity."

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Department of Religious Freedom and Patriotism?

What, was "Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice" taken?

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