The radical right is not ignoring 34 felony convictions. They are celebrating them, using them as a fine opportunity to drool and bray.

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It's a cult.

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Henceforth he’s Orange Felonious. And his angry, desperate, criminal sideshow isn’t going to work this time. If you thought his voters were deplorable in 2016, imagine how integrity-free they are now. They are slowly returning to the fringe, and the silent majority of sane people will end this shameful era finally in 5 months.

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Ta, MM. Felonious Stunk is running scared.

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Lock them up for thee not for mee

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We were in Afghanistan throughout Trump's whole term. If his idea of "no wars" is capitulating to the Taliban, well then, that's kinda telling, isn't it?

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I guess giving Crimea to Putin without defending it is a version of "no wars." Just surrender in advance.

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He was just going to invite them to Camp David to enjoy some delicious chocolate cake with ketchupified Dump Stakes.

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If not for highjacking the RNC and grifting the rubes at every opportunity he'd be filing for bankruptcy a 7th time right about now, for the fraud judgements alone, while still claiming to be a good businessman and they nod along.


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Hey! Bankrupseas just mean your a WIINNER! Who swings for the HOMERUN and maybe brakes a few eggs at the ohmlet bar maybe!

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What we can see is the Republicans craving power knowing the only candidate they can ride with to get there is a felon. They are plainly willing to rationalize away or ignore the felonies because they know the only route to power they have is him. It's the total arrogant "we can control him" attitude of the German conservatives in the 1930's. They like his ideas, they just wish he would stop saying them out loud.

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Joe Biden got us out of Afghanistan. Yes, he was pushed into it under less-than-ideal circumstances, yet the fact remains.

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Bin Laden got out of Afghanistan a damn lot quicker. I still believe he was dropped off at the border by US military operatives with a packed lunch and taxi fare to his home in Pakistan. There was nothing stopping the invasion of Iraq. Such as getting rid of the guy they turned up to capture or kill. And there wasn't any point in invading Saudi Arabia where he and all the hijackers came from now?

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Convicted felon Donald Trump

I just like to type that every opportunity I get.

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Felonald Trump. Don the Con Fel-on.

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Felonated Trump?

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Even better.

Twice impeached and 34 times convicted felon.

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My first thought on the Trump appearance was, does it really take 3 people to interview Trump? Is he some kind of towering intellect that routinely outsmarts lone interviewers?

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The proxy wars - good point by Brennan. Along those lines, I don't think there's been any criticism of the Trump admin for the rapid escalation of the conflict in Israel. Trump sent a total amateur (Kushner) who "knew nothing about Israel" (Kushner' words), and pressured him to get a fast result under the belief: "you can't make it any worse." (Trump's words). But our policy makers have always known, it can get worse and we're seeing it now. After watching this video, I don't think there's any doubt that not only does the Trump admin deserve criticism, but probably total blame. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtaIHr5S0ts. People always fixate on his "Gaza waterfront property" quote. But in his book and in this video, Kushner brags about how he boxed in the Palestinians and reduced their options. When you're dealing with a militant movement that's willing to protest injustice by starving themselves in prison or resorting to suicide bombings, you really don't want to back them into a corner. What's more... Kushner was told this by experienced foreign policy experts but he did it anyway.

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I really wish our largely useless mainstream media was talking about things that are actually important like that instead of the endless horse race both-sides bullshit coverage. And it would be great if some popular accounts made TikToks or something about it for those that don't read the news.

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some of my fav podcasters (in this case ben rhodes / tommy vietor) always refer to the abraham accords as glorified arms deals.

boys aren't wrong.

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I mean this: I think it’s a pretty direct line. This is very much about how Kushner and Trump played it. The blood spilled is also on their hands. On top of this: Netanyahu wants them back for his own selfish reasons. Another 30,000 dead would suit him fine if that’s what he gets. It doesn’t serve any long term interest though but keeping him in power and out of prison.

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I realized on that blessed day that learning that PAB had been convicted of 34 felonies was the closest I'll ever come to feeling what a shot of heroin is like.

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Formerly the first Girl Scout Thin Mint of the season was the standard by which I judged all other euphorias, but now I have a new standard . . . watching those 34 GUILTYs pop up one by one

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After I heard him say that, I froze and stared into space for a good 15 seconds, wondering if I had been hallucinating or if he'd truly said it

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