I live close enough to this place to stand on the sidewalk with "Science Saves Babies" on a sign. Maybe after an IHOP breakfast on a Sunday morning.
No, it could say "Jesus may save your soul*, but science will save your life"
Or perhaps "Post-birth abortions available here =>"
Or a sign with directions to the nearest resource center for the teenagers being forced to marry and have babies.
Why do they hate medicine but (probably?) use other modern life-saving technology, like furnaces and air conditioning and refrigeration and soap and filtered water and electricity and cars? Medicine has been around longer than cars, but they probably don't insist on a prayer circle to fill up the gas tank. I don't get the impression these folks are extra cray cray Amish, and I think the Amish use medicine.
When I worked at a retail lumber yard we had a lot of church customers who pretty much all had charge accounts and always reminded us that "the church is tax exempt." There were too many of them to keep straight (except for the one "pastor" who always paid cash - all in ones and always on a Monday morning) but if you couldn't pick them from a lineup you still knew they were one of "them"
as soon you saw them. And one day one of those ladies (It was almost always one of the ladies) came in and right away announced "this is a charge to the church" (and reminded me about the sales tax thing, of course) and I politely asked "which church is that, Ma'am?" Her answer, as snootily and haughtily (and as loud) as you can imagine was "The CHURCH OF GOD." And I replied "Oh, sorry, I thought they ALL were."
"In No Greater Law, the members talk about how they do faith healing because Jesus did faith healing..."
Jesus practiced the medicine of his own time. He did not practice the medicine of two thousand years before his own time, believing that it worked much better back then. Nor was Jesus's medicine better than the medicine that we have today. That's just bonkers.
Jesus also had the crazy idea that sickness was something that happened to both good and bad people. He didn't blame sickness on sin, but told his patients that God actually wanted them to be well, and if they had enough faith, they would get well. This was called "Good News." It wasn't perfect, but it probably worked better, at least as "bedside manner," than telling people that they were sick because of something bad that they had done, or something bad that somebody in their family had done up to seven generations earlier.
And finally, Jesus believed that health care should be free. The only time he got really mad was at people who profited off healthcare at the temple.
" they do faith healing because Jesus did faith healing"
My take is not just that when Jesus did it, it worked; but that it working was one of the indications that Jesus wasn't just any old Blair and Taylor, but an actual incarnate deity. Which therefore would suggest that maybe perhaps those of us who aren't incarnate deities* just might not have the same range of awesome magic powers.
*(that said: I am God, Thou art God, and all that groks is God..)
Mark 8 : 22-26 is a unique miracle in that it takes Jesus two tries. The first time he rubs spittle in the blind man's eye his vision improves, but people still look like trees walking. A second application of Holy Spit is needed to complete the miracle. It would be funny if another miracle took two tries, like walking on the water. "Hold my wine, I can do this."
"Honour a physician with the honour due unto him for the uses which ye may have of him: for the Lord hath created him.... The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them. Was not the water made sweet with wood, that the virtue thereof might be known? And he hath given men skill, that he might be honoured in his marvellous works. With such doth he heal [men,] and taketh away their pains.... Then give place to the physician, for the Lord hath created him: let him not go from thee, for thou hast need of him. There is a time when in their hands there is good success."
Can't have any new members: Not allowed to marry outside the church
People often ask what is the difference between a cult and a religion- they all believe in sky daddies! but here is a shining example of a big red flag difference.
I think the problem derives from allowing only ONE book as your guide to life. Believe me, you do NOT want to know the my story of "The Year I Lived 'Go Down, Moses'."
Religion is some fucked up shit and the people who run it are some fucked up assholes.
I see nothing good coming from any of them. Life isn’t that hard: Love all Life and preserve it. Give love, Don’t Worry about others including stealing their stuff, Be Honest, Be kind, Be the Person You’d Want To Love.
At least these fanatical inbred lunatics are being charged. In Idaho, people seem to get away with shit like this all the time.
God helps those who help themselves. Why should Jesus perform a miracle when there are doctors around who can cure the sick.
I live close enough to this place to stand on the sidewalk with "Science Saves Babies" on a sign. Maybe after an IHOP breakfast on a Sunday morning.
No, it could say "Jesus may save your soul*, but science will save your life"
Or perhaps "Post-birth abortions available here =>"
Or a sign with directions to the nearest resource center for the teenagers being forced to marry and have babies.
Why do they hate medicine but (probably?) use other modern life-saving technology, like furnaces and air conditioning and refrigeration and soap and filtered water and electricity and cars? Medicine has been around longer than cars, but they probably don't insist on a prayer circle to fill up the gas tank. I don't get the impression these folks are extra cray cray Amish, and I think the Amish use medicine.
When I worked at a retail lumber yard we had a lot of church customers who pretty much all had charge accounts and always reminded us that "the church is tax exempt." There were too many of them to keep straight (except for the one "pastor" who always paid cash - all in ones and always on a Monday morning) but if you couldn't pick them from a lineup you still knew they were one of "them"
as soon you saw them. And one day one of those ladies (It was almost always one of the ladies) came in and right away announced "this is a charge to the church" (and reminded me about the sales tax thing, of course) and I politely asked "which church is that, Ma'am?" Her answer, as snootily and haughtily (and as loud) as you can imagine was "The CHURCH OF GOD." And I replied "Oh, sorry, I thought they ALL were."
"In No Greater Law, the members talk about how they do faith healing because Jesus did faith healing..."
Jesus practiced the medicine of his own time. He did not practice the medicine of two thousand years before his own time, believing that it worked much better back then. Nor was Jesus's medicine better than the medicine that we have today. That's just bonkers.
Jesus also had the crazy idea that sickness was something that happened to both good and bad people. He didn't blame sickness on sin, but told his patients that God actually wanted them to be well, and if they had enough faith, they would get well. This was called "Good News." It wasn't perfect, but it probably worked better, at least as "bedside manner," than telling people that they were sick because of something bad that they had done, or something bad that somebody in their family had done up to seven generations earlier.
And finally, Jesus believed that health care should be free. The only time he got really mad was at people who profited off healthcare at the temple.
" they do faith healing because Jesus did faith healing"
My take is not just that when Jesus did it, it worked; but that it working was one of the indications that Jesus wasn't just any old Blair and Taylor, but an actual incarnate deity. Which therefore would suggest that maybe perhaps those of us who aren't incarnate deities* just might not have the same range of awesome magic powers.
*(that said: I am God, Thou art God, and all that groks is God..)
Mark 8 : 22-26 is a unique miracle in that it takes Jesus two tries. The first time he rubs spittle in the blind man's eye his vision improves, but people still look like trees walking. A second application of Holy Spit is needed to complete the miracle. It would be funny if another miracle took two tries, like walking on the water. "Hold my wine, I can do this."
Haven't these people read the Apocrypha?
"Honour a physician with the honour due unto him for the uses which ye may have of him: for the Lord hath created him.... The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them. Was not the water made sweet with wood, that the virtue thereof might be known? And he hath given men skill, that he might be honoured in his marvellous works. With such doth he heal [men,] and taketh away their pains.... Then give place to the physician, for the Lord hath created him: let him not go from thee, for thou hast need of him. There is a time when in their hands there is good success."
You could have stopped at, "Haven't these people read?"
But but but sincerely held religious beliefs! Freedom of religion! Stripsearch Sammy Alito will have a nuclear-grade hissy if he finds out about this!
“Hey Kid, you’re on your own.”
Can't have any new members: Not allowed to marry outside the church
People often ask what is the difference between a cult and a religion- they all believe in sky daddies! but here is a shining example of a big red flag difference.
I think the problem derives from allowing only ONE book as your guide to life. Believe me, you do NOT want to know the my story of "The Year I Lived 'Go Down, Moses'."
Tell me the story about how we need to have great respect for "people of faith."
Or just go feck yourself.
That puts them at the bottom of my list.
Edit: I cared about our NFL team's draft pick until he, in his first sentence, thanked "his lord and savior jesus christ"... 'Kay, Bye.
This must be one of those post-birth abortions I keep hearing about.
Time to crack down on these Democrats.
The exact same first thought I had when seeing the headline.
Religion is some fucked up shit and the people who run it are some fucked up assholes.
I see nothing good coming from any of them. Life isn’t that hard: Love all Life and preserve it. Give love, Don’t Worry about others including stealing their stuff, Be Honest, Be kind, Be the Person You’d Want To Love.
We don’t need a deity to teach us that.
PUT THE ASSHOLES UNDER THE FUCKING JAIL. Then at least they can't reproduce FURTHER