Play Hoops With Hopeful Obama!

The high-school basketball staronce known as "Barry O'Bomber" is now offering Indiana high-schoolers the chance to behumiliated by his graceful game. Hopeful children are encouraged to register 20 other children to vote, as long as they'll turn 18 by the November 4 general election, and then a lucky winner will get to play some 3-on-3 with Barack Obama.
Obama's team will include LeBron James and Kobe Bryant. The winning student's teammates will be Mark Penn and Chris Farley. It will be very fair and very hopeful.
Other kinds of losers can take part, too: Kids who have no skills can just meet Obama and watch him savagely beat three random kids from the school, while college students have a chance to be humiliated by Barack's jump shot if they register 30 new voters.
If you collect a thousand voter registrations, Barack and Vlade Divac will smoke cigarettes with you behind the court.
3-on-3 Basketball: Challenge For Change [Barack Obama]