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"I'm sick of this judgmental stuff" says the guy hawking Don't Fauci My Florida t-shirts.
See if they can drive the infection rate even higher.
It's Ptuesday? I must be Ptime Ptripping again.
It's just a jump to the left.
And a skip to the right
Pstep. is an important right which is why I spend 2016 and 2020 trashing the Democratic nominee and saying talking about the courts was blackmail.I hope she is shown the door tonight, I really do.
She's as cheap as they come. Like the rest of the dirtbag contingent.
Last night my friend drew this portrait of me. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
At which point my other friend drew this portrait of me
I think they are both excellent likenesses.
She likely voted for him. She knew her time in the spotlight was short, so she had to maximize her grift and her access to those rubles.
Breyer Rejects Maine Church’s Attempt to Block Delta Variant Restrictions That Don’t Exist
Odds that Master Doocy asks about Andrew Cuomo?
Wrong thread:
"I'm sick of this judgmental stuff" says the guy hawking Don't Fauci My Florida t-shirts.
See if they can drive the infection rate even higher.
It's Ptuesday? I must be Ptime Ptripping again.
It's just a jump to the left.
And a skip to the right
Pstep. is an important right which is why I spend 2016 and 2020 trashing the Democratic nominee and saying talking about the courts was blackmail.I hope she is shown the door tonight, I really do.
She's as cheap as they come. Like the rest of the dirtbag contingent.
Last night my friend drew this portrait of me. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
At which point my other friend drew this portrait of me
I think they are both excellent likenesses.
She likely voted for him. She knew her time in the spotlight was short, so she had to maximize her grift and her access to those rubles.
Breyer Rejects Maine Church’s Attempt to Block Delta Variant Restrictions That Don’t Exist
Odds that Master Doocy asks about Andrew Cuomo?
Wrong thread: