Remainders: Is This Thing On Edition
•Pell for veep: "Cheney: '. . . earned a reputation as a man of knowledge, character, and accessibility.'Pell: My mom sends me to see a shrink three days a week after school." [Electablog ]
•"Friendster for moguls" [ They Rule via Gawker ]
•"Wish you could be in the military, but you can't for some reason?. . . Just want to 'blow off some steam'?" [ The Abu Ghraib Fantasy Camp ]
•"I'm just saying those journalists don't represent the journalists I know. The journalists I know love America, but now all anybody wants to talk about is the bad journalists--the journalists that hurt America." [Daily Show transcribed at Corrente ]
•"As a frequent freelancer, I will testify to how little our poor right-wing pubs have to pay (this includes our own, let me tell you), but it's definitely not because we're all rolling in dough." The rolling in dough is just a perk. [ The Corner ]