Remainders: The Carbon Footprint on Your Ass
* Our good friends at CEI have a new video calling out "Ramblin' Man" Al Gore for his massive use of petrochemicals. Drudge, of course, eats it up. [ CEI ; Drudge Report ]
* It's like when someone leaves a nasty voicemail and you make that your outgoing message, so they get even more pissed when they call back -- except with a blog. [ Aravosisblog ]
* William Jefferson: not quite as smart as Hannibal Lecter. [ Zulkey ]
* If he was even as smart as a 13-year-old kid, he'd have stashed the cash in something like this. [ Shomer-Tec ]
* Yes, the entire legal-political blog complex is run by middle school children. Pppbbbsssttt! [ From The Desk of Patrick Fitzgerald ]
* Wilder Valderrama is single-handedly setting mixed-race people of indeterminate ethnicity back 20 years. [ Campus Progress ]
* Minnesota must be more of a bizzaro world then we thought if a college football team captain is against birth control. [ Star Tribune ]