Vote for someone who remembers when you could either chat on the phone with your friends after school, OR chat on an AOL message board (IRC? alt.newsgroups??) but you *could not do both at the same time*. Yeah, that's the ticket!
These amoral assholes are pissing me off. Steve Schmidt? Dean Phillips? When did they meet-up? Does anyone have a real idea of what these asshats are doing? Seriously. Point me to some good analysis. I don't get it.
The end sucked. Ally Sheedy in all that makeup so she can be sexy to the burn-out. Talk about implausible transformation. She went from intriguingly brooding, to shyly mainstream.
Stop it with the “It’s GenX’s Time” rhetoric. We all know it will never, ever be Gen X’s time. It will pass right over from the Boomers to the Millennials.
Steve Schmidt really screwed the pooch on this decision. He’s Dean’s guy now. After I canceled my paid subscription to him, I increased my monthly recurring donation to President Biden’s campaign by $6. #GoJoeGo
I assume you were not hoping that your grandmother would fall. I do not feel the same way about this clown.
Do you suppose this guy has any faint notion that young people do not think that he is young?
Vote for someone who remembers when you could either chat on the phone with your friends after school, OR chat on an AOL message board (IRC? alt.newsgroups??) but you *could not do both at the same time*. Yeah, that's the ticket!
These amoral assholes are pissing me off. Steve Schmidt? Dean Phillips? When did they meet-up? Does anyone have a real idea of what these asshats are doing? Seriously. Point me to some good analysis. I don't get it.
As a Gen Xer I feel seen. Seen to be a lame loser that I am.
great. now i have to add the end of 'breakfast club' to my holiday watch list.
The end sucked. Ally Sheedy in all that makeup so she can be sexy to the burn-out. Talk about implausible transformation. She went from intriguingly brooding, to shyly mainstream.
I would find this more compelling if Phillips proclaimed himself to be a bitch, a lover, a child, a mother
a sinner, and a saint. I know he never feels ashamed because YIKES WTF is he doing with this campaign?!!!?
We’ve already had a Gen X President, I think his name was Obama. So what’s your point, Dean dork?
with way better music.
Dear What’s Your Name:
Stop it with the “It’s GenX’s Time” rhetoric. We all know it will never, ever be Gen X’s time. It will pass right over from the Boomers to the Millennials.
The Rest of Gen X.
That's how we like it.
Steve Schmidt really screwed the pooch on this decision. He’s Dean’s guy now. After I canceled my paid subscription to him, I increased my monthly recurring donation to President Biden’s campaign by $6. #GoJoeGo
Yeah he was so smart back in the Sarah Palin days...
I watched Disney's Wonderful World of Color in 1961. Hah! MTV started in 1981. Anyone watching MTV in B&W in 1981 ain't that young.
It's just word salad. Never mind the facts.
Odd story there. His biological father died in Nam when he was 6 months old.
His mother then married into the Phillips booze family - - very wealthy.
When he finished his MBA, next job? He was made CEO of Phillips Distilling Company.
Now, he's been in the House for just 4 years and feels that makes him suitable for President.
He wasn't even suitable for the House.
Sounds like he’s bootstrapping all over the place!
Oh swell. Another moneybags who thinks he's entitled to the White House just because he's bought every other country club.
Trash Fleetwood Mac and Bill Clinton at your own peril.
By the time this is over Phillips will endorse Trump.
Objection! We have no conclusive evidence anyone saw Big Trouble In Little China in the theater. Seriously John Carpenter has a really rough record.
"We're only in it for the Money" Zappa...