To be fair, the Rich are actually the problem underlying all economic issues. The main thing this song gets wrong about that is it is looking at little r rich and not at big R Rich. A millionaire or two isn't a big issue, it is the billionaires that own all assets that are the problem. Of course, if you're the only millionaire in town, then you're going to

10 buy assets, which raises property values.

20 Get rent out of owning the property. (FYI rent is income you don't work for, so that includes paying out profit from a company or shares in a company.)

30 buy more assets, which raises property values.

40 GOTO 20

until your kids or grandkids are billionaires (not that it stops then, it just keep accelerating) and nobody else owns anything.

The rest of the song is just crazy and bad.

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Why can't Wonkette finish a column with the writers name right there just above the beginning of comments without me having to scroll back to the beginning to find who wrote it. I can usually tell, but I want to check whether it's Robyn, or Doc, or Liz, or Gary, or Evan, or someone new? Yes, I know, how silly am I? But, as a curtesy, wouldn't it be nice if I could just go to the enlightening comments without having to take a detour back to the beginning?

I'm an engineer, or was before retiring, and when I wrote a memo or report, I took pains to repeat figures and diagrams if the discussion lasted over many pages and turning back pages would distract from the analysis (didn't always work as some stupid colleague would say, hey, you already showed/said that.)

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I’m a victim, yer a victim, wouldn’t you like to be a victim too? If this song “resonates” with people, we need to lower our expectations for voters who hear this nonsense and think, “yeah, he’s got it.” Fat people on welfare? Open borders? FBI coming after opinionated parents? All tired, untrue wingnut grievances. Nothing new or unique here. I don’t doubt his feelings are “genuine,” and therefore shared by other wingers. His bitching is still about things that are false. It’s hard to make progress or feel hopeful about the future if you can’t grasp reality and perpetually feel like a victim. The southern border isn’t open, it’s overwhelmed by a constant surge of desperate migrants seeking refuge and a better life in America. You could see yourself as fortunate for already living here and having food and a bed. Or, you can see yourself as a victim of immigration - they are coming to hurt you or take what you have. The FBI doesn’t come after parents for being opinionated. The FBI investigated a rise in wingnut violence at school board meetings, which was caused by misinformation about lgtbq issues. Violence is the result of people who feel powerless to effect change they think is vital. Bad actors and right wing media stoke anger with misinformation to make money or to garner support. But that anger can breed violence. And attacking “fat people on welfare” tells you all you need to know about the level of thinking on display in this sad winger anthem. Breaking through their wall of misunderstanding isn’t easy, but we can’t find any common ground or mutual goals that could help unite us until they are educated about these false beliefs. Electing republicans who won’t lie to them seems nearly impossible. Any Republican who tells them the truth is dismissed as a RINO. So we continue to turn our attention to the 60% who share the same version of reality.

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*banjo solo*

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Sorry, but tasteless to mock banjos and banjo music.

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Now write one about Poke Salad! How you start with a paper bag.. and it should rhyme like "I'M A BIG FAT HICK" does. Please.

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Gets up and looks for fried Fudge Rounds recipe -

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The right thinks they've found the second coming of Graham Parsons (and I'm using that figuratively, they have no idea who GP is). He can't sing, his playing is mediocre and the lyrics are clunky at best. And OH YEAH! He's a plant! Vaush plumbs the depths - worth watching all of it since he's on a path of discovery... https://youtu.be/3M6ZjYfp-B8

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I have been hearing about this song for a few weeks and finally looked up the lyrics. You critiqued it quite well. Drivel and racism. I could not bring myself to listen to this neck beard sing, so at least there's that.

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So, it seems that this song is also being pushed in the Nostr/freedom tech world. It's presented as pro Bitcoin.

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Is it just me, or does anyone else think that "rich men north of Richmond" is code for "Jews"?

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Oh (((noo)))

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Jim Crow was not meant to just subjugate Blacks, It's more insidious intent was to throw a bone to poor Whites whose financial situation was no different, "Yes, you are poorer than dirt, but you are superior because you are allowed to use this nicer bathroom. drink from this different fountain , and even sit at the counter if you can muster up the 35 cents for the blue plate special" In this effort it was very effective and remains so even today.

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I am in the board of an nonprofit that advocates for living wages. It sounds like this young man would be very supportive of our efforts to get the minimum wage raised to $18.00/hr.

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If you listen his lyrics, you'll hear that Oliver Anthony's grievances are the exact same grievances of his boss.

He will not be supporting your efforts, Hooman.

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OT but I've just about had it:

Is there any way I can view my REPLIES in this new and wonderful format?

I've figured out how to view my COMMENTS, but not my REPLIES.

Thanks in advance.

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I get them by email.

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Where is Lil Nas X when we need him?

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Are Lil Nases I-IX still alive?

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This guy had one idea ("rich men" sounds like "Richmond") and a steaming pile of hate.

As a formerly obese person who's lived in Section 8 housing and witnessed how desperately people on welfare try to feed their families anything resembling nutrition, I wish this vile piece of shit could be banned from social media for those lines alone.

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I prefer this redneck song about small towns:


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They're like '60s protesters, only different!

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Well, to be strictly accurate, punching down IS different from punching up.

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