What I don't get is their insistence that some future generation will have to write checks in the trillions to pay off bondholders. You have to be really dumb to believe that. Wait a minute, that's the "base"!

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How lost and delusional is this fuck stain to pull the descriptor 'Yuppies' out of his clueless asshole....

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The yuppies of 1985 are not upper class suburban swing voters. Is this dude high? The yuppies of 1985 are 80 and live in Florida. There are no new yuppies because the original yuppies didn’t allow any of the subsequent three generations after them earn more than lower middle class, and in spite of these being their kids and grandkids and them being the recipients of the largest wealth transfer in history they are smoking it if they got it and there won’t be any to pass on.

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The problem is that the stand Repubs take on many issues does not appeal to a majority nationwide, but they are extremely popular in Red Areas. They have cheated enough that they can win elections with a minority, thus giving us minority rule. For the Presidency we could dump the electoral college and use the popular vote, but too many of the people who could make that change benefit from minority rule.

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We gone get the upper-class votes by telling them we gone lower taxes and make poor people’s lives worse. Sound good, yuppies? You don’t like those poors and their “needs,” amirite??? Everyone is equal, everyone is healthy and smart and equally abled. So why do we pay for social support programs that make life better for millions of Americans, when it’s clearly their fault they aren’t upper middle class and need assistance. Republicans without empathy or gratitude always bank on the voters having no interest in helping other people. But they are always wrong. Living in a world full of selfish scumbags who look down on the less fortunate isn’t the American Dream. Sorry GOP!

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It depends on who's doing the dreaming.

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Ta, Liz. It's really a shame that tax (and other) policy was written by ALEC for the benefit of the wealthy and no one else. Want entitlement "reform?" No cap on Social Security, or at least raise it to something in line with reality. The ex was shocked that my SS/Medicare contribution was identical to his, although my income was a small percentage of his. The other piece is to treat ALL income as taxable income, no matter its source.

Rs have lost the culture wars; I hope enough young people vote to send them all home where they can do no more harm to the body politic.

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hey, 'too little too late' is a good strategy for the r's and they should get right on it

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Tell that cohort they needn’t worry about ‘entitlements’ costing them an extra dime.Just do what should have been done from the jump. Lift the cap on Social Security so that those making UNDER $160K aren’t carrying the entire burden, as they have all along.

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The 1985 suburban yuppies are now living on their social security and Medicare. Good luck riling them up about entitlements.

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Somebody should find Sun Tzu's descendants and get them to sue the RNCC for unauthorized use of the general\s name and likeness.

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My takeaway is that these troglodytes STILL cannot take on board the fact that a majority of the public has a direct and serious interest in preserving Medicare and Social Security and so on, because if the government does not take care of their parents and grandparents, then it will cost them way more to pay the bills personally. Sure, there are always a certain number of libertoonian sociopaths you can get riled up by pretending that there is only a difference in scale between deficit spending on a national level and maxing out your personal credit cards There are very solid reasons why the "entitlements" that they hate so much are ultimately sacrosanct, because only the ultra rich could possibly foot the bills now picked up by us collectively. The rest of us would rather not revert to the hideous days before the New Deal, with child labor, sick and starving elders and the working class held down by brute force.

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I have long thought that radical righters truly believe that the rest of us agree with them completely, but we just say otherwise to annoy them.

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It's very strange, but they have wrapped themselves in such a cocoon that you can't break through.

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I've seen radical righters argue that Dems use the same insulting terms for others behind closed doors as they do, but we just have better self-discipline in public and don't slip like they occasionally do.

It never occurs to them that, when we're behind closed doors, members of those groups they have all those colorful names for are right there beside us.

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Sometime it's as though we speak two different languages. And they are doing their best to make this happen by simply changing what words mean. "Woke" is now supposed to be a bad thing.

Perhaps they are speaking in tongues: vile, ugly, lying tongues.

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they believe we just lack the courage to come out and say the same kind of appalling, evil nonsense that they do

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And of course, pitting the haves and against the have-nots is also not a great long-term strategy when your policies are aimed at concentrating wealth in fewer and fewer hands...

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Apparently the runaway man Josh Hawley was also saying they need to back off "pro-life" and call it "pre-babies" but then that defies the logic of allowing rampant crazy right wing nuts with guns killing chirrens in schools and churches. Hmm. What will they come up with next? I'm betting it will be to resort to outright lying. Pulling the Lucy/Charlie Brown football trick where they say they won't but they will. Bet me!

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They've been well on the path of outright lying for years now. Especially after Trump showed them the way.

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Bait-and-switch has been used since the 1920s to smuggle Fascists into public office, it is their standard practice. Might just be that they have so grossly overreached with their Procrustean policies that people are starting to notice that they just make things worse and worse. The Shrub/Cheney ticket did not run on "we plan to use the US military to seize enough foreign oil fields to satisfy the oil companies and maybe we'll start a shooting war with China because they make us nervous" (PNAC, anyone"?) no, they campaigned on the meaningless, emollient promise of a "kinder and gentler" conservatism.

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The term "compassionate conservatism" sort of implies something about regular old conservatism, doesn't it?

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almost a half-assed confession ("baby I've changed, take me back and I'll never hurt you again")

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"who dominate the only districts up for grabs in today’s world" ooh, ooh, teacher! Call on me! I know the answer to this one!

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"'If Sun Tzu was [sic!] alive and advising us today, he would see the independent voter in swing districts as the opening that will redefine the political battlefield,' [Koch-sucker Adam] Brandon assures his readers...."

If Suz Tzu were alive today, he would not be advising you. He would be executing concubines. *Your* favorite concubines. The ones that Putin supplies all y'all.

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Paleo-telepathy: Reading the minds of who died in the past.

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ventriloquism. just find a suitable skull, stick your hand up in it and put your own words into its lipless mouth

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"COHORT" this!

(Use your imaginations.)

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