Jabbering moron Joe Biden was trying to save America by turning off a $125 website for endangered species, but somehow everybody still thinks Joe Biden is a fool. So congratulations to Joe Biden for somehow lookingworse than congressional Republicans, great job!
Budget talks hit an impasse on Thursday after both Republicans walked out, throwing doubt on Washington's ability to reach a deal that would allow America to continue borrowing and avoid a debt default.
Granted, Jon Kyl and Eric Cantor were going to walk out anyway, because they are hideous cretins who are paid by the Koch Brothers to destroy what's left of America. [ Reuters ]
Things are worse?
Here's my gloomy prediction. Barry is going to get hosed in 2012, plus we'll have GOP across the board (I bet that just made noman cum). When THAT happens, these fuckers will be OMG no jobs so they will say "We have to prime the pump" and release assloads of money into military projects. Cuts...err sacrifices will need to be made on the backs of the middle class and poor so goodbye Medicare, UHC, etc. When this happens, the Koch brothers will release a video of them smoking cigars and sitting on a pile of skulls laughing about how much they want to help the country.
Canada is looking better and better.