Rick Santorum Endorses Mortal Enemy John McCain

Remember that time former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum said John McCain was " very rough in the sandbox "? Remember that time he told Hugh Hewitt "there was a reason John McCain collapsed last year, and it's because he was the frontrunner, and everybody in the Republican Party got a chance to look at him"? Well, you'll never guess who Rick Santorum thinks the next President should be! In an editorial in thePhiladelphia Inquirer, he lists all the reasons that John McCain will make a wonderful President by keeping man-on-dog sex out of the White House.
Here is a paraphrase of his editorial: I hate John McCain to the very marrow of my bones, but now I will vote for him because the ghost of Ronald Reagan whispered in my ear and told me that if I want a political future I will need to eat shit on this important issue. Santorum for Veep!
The Elephant in the Room: Why conservatives should support McCain [Philadelphia Inquirer]