The next time - wasting action for Democrats will be fights over who should be the nominee. I say if Biden steps down, the nominee should be Kamala, she knows more about being President than any other candidate.
Trump is afraid of her, you can tell by the way he's knocking her at his rallies.
He should be, I think Kamala can annihilate him.
The important thing is to vote for the Democratic nominee no matter what, ANYONE will be better than Trump.
More than anything else, this reminds me of Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 by HST, with Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas coming in a close second.
Are all y'all guys having cocktails in a Tudor castle? Are there ghosts?? It looks like there should be ghosts of queen-type ladies carrying their chopped-off heads in sacks! Does George Conway know where the queen-lady ghosts are? I bet he knows and that's why he's running away so fast.
I've never met Rebecca (Imma put it on my bucket list now, though), but I'm pretty sure that a "You get back here right now" from her would be ignored only at one's extreme peril. Please come to sunny San Diego, exalted and honored Editrix. We'll have adult beverages with many of your friends and admirers. And tacos, too. So many delicious tacos.
Great photos!
The next time - wasting action for Democrats will be fights over who should be the nominee. I say if Biden steps down, the nominee should be Kamala, she knows more about being President than any other candidate.
Trump is afraid of her, you can tell by the way he's knocking her at his rallies.
He should be, I think Kamala can annihilate him.
The important thing is to vote for the Democratic nominee no matter what, ANYONE will be better than Trump.
My Wonkette Peeps with my Bulwark Peeps!!!!!
Love all of youuuuuu!!!!
Yay for coalition-ing!
(And I wouldn’t have believed it 10 years ago either when I was still a Fox News watcher. :-/ LOL)
Coalitioning is fun!
Ron Johnson is wearing running shoes with a suit. If Joe Biden did that it eould be a major scandal.
As for Madison Cawthorn , that is one
SOB I had hoped to never hear from again.
More than anything else, this reminds me of Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 by HST, with Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas coming in a close second.
"Heath Mayo"?!
Are all y'all guys having cocktails in a Tudor castle? Are there ghosts?? It looks like there should be ghosts of queen-type ladies carrying their chopped-off heads in sacks! Does George Conway know where the queen-lady ghosts are? I bet he knows and that's why he's running away so fast.
Those Shoes!! I mean, daaaamn!
Which ones? Maddy's "date" or Ron Johnson's?
Ah yes, Mom Voice. The original Weirding Way.
Michael Steele seems like one of the few Republicans who hasn't drunk the kool-aid. I sort of respect him for that.
I'd respect him more if he left the party.
Sykes too. He was a long-time GOP operative and conservative talk-show host.
I love that Rebecca said "get back here George Conway" and he obeyed
I've never met Rebecca (Imma put it on my bucket list now, though), but I'm pretty sure that a "You get back here right now" from her would be ignored only at one's extreme peril. Please come to sunny San Diego, exalted and honored Editrix. We'll have adult beverages with many of your friends and admirers. And tacos, too. So many delicious tacos.
He used to get that at home.
That was likely not the worst of it.
Omg y’all are just the cutest & I’m so glad you’re having a great time 🥰
Well done, you unifiers!
Would you buy a hotdog from Kevin McCarthy? Neither would I. And that's how he got into politics.
He peaked in his uncle's dirt-ridden sandwich shop.
OK, so I'll just ask: after rubbing elbows with (mostly) terrible GOD AWFUL people all day, how many showers does it take not to feel uh, skeevy?
All of them, Katie.