Roberts Probably Straight (Not That There's Anything Wrong with That)
We're sort of thrilled that our joking about John Roberts being gay has been officially elevated to a " whisper campaign " intended to bring him down. Does that mean we can take credit for ruining the Kerry-Edwards ticket , too? We're sure John Kerry would appreciate some help in shouldering the blame.
Honestly, we're shocked at how little it took for our observation about Roberts' wrestling/drag career to morph from "heh-heh" to " HEL-LOOO, MARY !" We're been trying to get people to buy Bush as a dog - fucker for years and Powerline has yet to write an outraged editorial .
Okay, serious now: We don'tactuallythink Roberts is gay. We totally wish he was, though! Someone needs to keep Souter company.
The Huh-Huh Files: We're Gonna Have to Start a Special Kerry-Edwards Homoeroticism Section [Wonkette]
To Be (Oblivious) or Not To Be [Law Dork]
Who's Homophobic Now ? [Reasoned Audacity]
"Anatomy of a Rumor." [Althouse]
Mission: Implausible [Unfogged]